Understanding Institutional Effectiveness What it is What it isn’t Why it’s important
What is “institutional effectiveness?” Systematic, explicit and documented process of measuring performance against the mission in all aspects of an institution In essence: What did we say we were going to do? How do we know we’ve done it? How well did we do it? How are we going to do it better?
Identify goals and valid indicators of progress for each goal (aka metrics); identify thresholds of success (targets) for each metric Collect data and analyze outcomes Interpret outcomes; communicate outcomes; track outcomes over time where appropriate and identify where improvements are needed Implement changes/modifications that are expected to improve outcomes ClosingtheLoop The process of evaluating a unit’s effectiveness builds on MUSC Excellence
Who must evaluate their effectiveness? UniversityAcademic Programs Central Administrative units Student support units [Research][Community Service] (Integration grid) DMDVPAACAPSOAPRMUSC Gives Back PhD Biomed Sci Deans OfficesStudent Programs OTESLWellness Center Pharm DOAPRStudent Health BSNLibraryOEM MDFinance and Administration CAE Etc……Etc…
What institutional effectiveness isn’t (or shouldn’t be) Imbalanced as primarily a top-down or bottom up exercise Top down: Standardized process and centralized documentation Bottom up: Goal setting; assessment tools; target setting; determination of how to respond to results Unsustainable Must be continuous, thus must be both useful and easy Emphasize success over improvement Targets should be meaningful and ambitious—the ultimate purpose is to afford continuous quality improvement (not marketing)
Why it’s important 1. It is the basis of accountability and continuous quality improvement 2. Demonstrates sound stewardship of resources 3. Inspires students’ and other stakeholders’ trust and confidence 4. It is required for academic accreditation (both professional accreditation and institutional accreditation)
Integration grid (to show University Effectiveness)
Assessment Plan
Things that stay the same 1. Annual goal setting by units 2. Commitment to addressing the five Excellence Pillars 3. Annual institutional surveys Employee Satisfaction Survey Student Satisfaction Survey
Things that will change 1. Nomenclature Old terms: Pillar goal=90% of COP employees agreed they are pleased to be working at MUSC New terms: Employs greater specificity Goal=Attract and retain high quality employees (formerly unwritten) Metric (ideally, at least 2 per goal)=Rate of COP employees who agree they are pleased to be working at MUSC Target=90%
Things that will change 2. Tracking and reporting of goals and results is required by SACS and must be centralized OIE TaskStream 3.Three-year cycle of trend tracking, then identification and documentation of results- driven modifications/changes expected to improve results Units may elect to report modifications annually, but are not “required” to do so
Office of Institutional Effectiveness Suzanne Thomas Regan Fantry Vince Moseley Bldg 41 Bee Street, 2 nd floor