The first Polish literary works come from the 10th century. The most significant texts of that time were chronicles, written in Latin. The oldest one is so called ” Kronika Polska” by Gallus Anonymus. The most famous chronicler was Jan Długosz.
A very significant role in the development of Polish litrature played Mikołaj Rej( ) and his works. He is also called „a Father of Polish literature”
One of the most notable Polish poets was Jan Kochanowski ( ), regarded as the greatest poet before Adam Mickiewicz. He was the author of well-known epigrams, limericks, poems and elegies.
The most prominent writers of the Romantic Movement include: Adam Mickiewicz- the author of the national epic poem „Pan Tadeusz”. Juliusz Słowacki- wrote „Balladyna”. Cyprian Kamil Norwid- a poet, the author of „In Verona”.
Polish Noble Prize Laureates in Literature 1 905r. - Henryk Sienkiewicz- The author of historical novels.
1924 Władysław Reymont the author of the novel „Chłopi” (The Peasants)
1980 Czesław Miłosz- emigrated to the USA and made poetry in Polish.
1996 Wisława Szymborska- a poet
The most popular authors of books for children Jan Brzechwa
Kornel Makuszyński
Julian Tuwim