Riparian Proper Functioning Condition A process for assessment A defined condition A starting point A common language An interdisciplinary team approach
Riparian PFC Team Approach Hydrologist Vegetation Specialist Soil Scientist Biologist Allotment Permittee
NV Creeks and Communities Team – Most Active §Sherm Swanson, Range w/wildlife, hydro, soils §Kent McAdoo, Wildlife and range §Chuck Petersen, Range §Carol Evans, Fisheries §Sarah Peterson, Hydrology §Robin Wignall, Hydrology §Mark Coca, Range §Doug Merkler, Soils §Jerry Annis, Ranch management §Pat Coffin, Fisheries §Bob Hall, Geomorphology §John Cobourn, Hydrology §John McCann, Hydrology
NV Creeks and Communities Team §Sherm Swanson, UNR Coop. Extension, Coordinator §Kent McAdoo, UNR Coop. Extension §Chuck Petersen, NRCS §Jerry Annis, Rancher §Pat Coffin, BLM §Carol Evans, BLM §Robin Wignall, US Forest Service §Bob Hall, EPA §Jeff Jesch, Hillside Des. and Cons. Conservation District §Connie Lee, NV Dept of Wildlife §Alan Genet, NV Dept of Wildlife §Sarah Petersen, BLM §Mark Coca, BLM §Steve Foster, UNR Coop. Extension §Desi Zamudio, Private Citizen §John Cobourn, UNR Coop. Extension §John McCann, BLM
Riparian PFC- What It Is And What It Is Not §PFC is a consistent assessment of the PHYSICAL FUNCTIONING of riparian -wetland areas §PFC considers hydrology, vegetation, and soil and landform attributes §PFC describes a state of RESILIENCY l PFC isn’t the sole method for assessing aquatic or terrestrial health l PFC doesn’t replace biology-based inventory or monitoring
Riparian PFC What It Is And What It Is Not §PFC rates PHYSICAL FUNCTIONING as the foundation for maintenance and recovery of desired values (fish, birds, livestock forage, etc.) §PFC isn’t desired future condition (but it is required for DFC)
Riparian PFC What It Is And What It Is Not §PFC helps prioritize management/ restoration activities where the system is “AT RISK” §PFC helps determine the timing or correctness of management actions §PFC is useful in watershed analysis l But…it doesn’t replace watershed analysis
Riparian PFC What It Is And What It Is Not §PFC is a qualitative assessment based on quantitative science for people with local knowledge §PFC helps analyze management strategies and design monitoring plans l PFC is not a long term monitoring tool l PFC is a useful start for a monitoring program §PFC reduces the frequency & cost of monitoring l Focusing on key locations l Focusing on driving indicators
Watersheds Capture, Store & Safely Release Water
RIPARIAN AREAS §LAND ADJACENT to PERENNIAL or INTERMITTENT l STREAMS, l SPRINGS, l SEEPS, l PONDS, l ETC. § A form of wetland transition between permanently saturated wetlands and upland areas § Exhibit vegetation or physical characteristics of permanent surface or subsurface water
STREAM TYPES §PERENNIAL §PERENNIAL - a stream that flows continuously §INTERMITTENT OR SEASONAL §INTERMITTENT OR SEASONAL - a stream that flows only at certain time of the year §EPHEMERAL §EPHEMERAL - a stream that flows only in direct response to precipitation §INTERUPTED §INTERUPTED – a stream that flows below the surface in certain areas