Sample presentation for Medical editors workshop ©Pippa Smart, 2007 PSP Consulting Research and Communication Publishing Consultancy
1.3 What is the role of the editor ?
‘ An editor is someone who knows exactly what he wants but isn’t quite sure.’ - The Observer, 1930s
‘An editor is someone who sorts the wheat from the chaff... and then prints the chaff’.’ - Adlai Stevenson
What editors do Set deadlines Make decisions Change copy Chair meetings Publicize journal Set overall policy Deal with staff…
An editor’s role Editor (n) A person at a newspaper or similar institution who edits stories and decides which ones to publish (Wikipedia) Editing (vb) Work an editor does to make formatting changes and improvements to a manuscript (Wikipedia) Responsible for the journal Ensures the message gets out
Key point Editor is responsible for the content
Readers Authors The public EDITOR Distribution Advertizing Marketing Technical editors Owners Production Trustees/ Council IT Secretariat
Science Showbiz Choose the balance
Key point A vision gives a clear framework
Winning formula S uccess = V ision + F inance ©Pippa Smart,