MUST and HAVE TO Modal auxiliary verbs FORMMust + V 1 (base verb) Have to + V 1 (base verb) Examples: I must go home. You have to do your homework. USE Must = I believe it’s true Have to = It’s based on a fact Examples: It’s getting dark, I must go now. You have to fasten your seat belt when driving.
Positive, negative and questions MUST -s He must study hard if he wants to go to university. don’t mustn’t = not allowed You mustn’t touch pictures in the museum. Do Must I go? HAVE TO - s He has to take an exam at the end of the year. don’t have to = isn’t necessary You don’t have to go if you don’t want. Do Do I have to write it all?
Tenses Use must in present tense Use had to in past tense Use will have to in future tense Use have to with other auxiliary verbs ___________________________________ Examples: We must do sports regularly if we want to be fit. They had to do overtime yesterday. I will have to get up early tomorrow to catch my plane. You may have to make coffee as well.
SHOULD Form Should + V1 (base verb) You should learn more. don’t You shouldn’t meet him. Do? Should I accept the offer? Use Should = advice, it would be a good idea
Should and Must Should = advice I think you should read more, you would be more intelligent. I don’t think you should eat that, it smells terrible. Must = strong recommendation You must go to the doctor, because it looks serious. You must see that film, because it was fantastic.
Example Sentences You mustn’t walk on the grass. You shouldn’t tell lies, it’s bad. I must be back by 8o’clock. She has to take her son to school. You should stop smoking. Children don’t have to go to school on Saturday.