György Seres: Bases of military system modeling Terrorist using of military system
I demonstrate how we can use this model for study using military technology by terrorist systems. Terrorist systems use military technology against innocent people, who have no technology and organization.
Survival Result Neutral Terrorist state Environment Technology Human Organization State-terrorist using of military system Using of military system by a terrorist state against innocent people usually does not result losses
Terrorist using military technology with human „carrier”
Terrorist using of civil technology
Survival Result Neutral Terrorist Environment Technology Human Organization Terrorist using of military system For terrorists result is often more important than survival.
Anti-terrorist using of military system Anti-terrorist using of state military system can be successful if it tries to prevent terrorist attack,it tries to prevent terrorist attack, it has direct information about all of subsystems of terrorist military system – including information of human intelligence,it has direct information about all of subsystems of terrorist military system – including information of human intelligence, it strikes all subsystems of terrorist military system – including financial founds of organization from terrorist strikes all subsystems of terrorist military system – including financial founds of organization from terrorist environment.
Survival Result Organization Human Technology Survival Result Neutral Terrorist Environment Technology Human Organization Anti-terrorist using of military system State
This model of military system is universal, because it is suitable for study :
any level of military systemsany level of military systems coherence among human, technology and organization subsystemscoherence among human, technology and organization subsystems influence of different purposes for military systemsinfluence of different purposes for military systems armed combat, if technology level of sides isn’t comparablearmed combat, if technology level of sides isn’t comparable role of technology in terrorist military systemrole of technology in terrorist military system Consequently, for study of any type of military system
Dr. György Seres