NHS Meeting October 16, 2014
NHS Tutoring DON’T FORGET TO GO TO NHS TUTORING IF YOU SIGNED UP!!!! Pitch NHS Tutoring to your classmates and your friends
Arbor Day WHEN: Saturday, Oct. 18, 2014 from 10 AM to 12 PM WHERE: Donegal Park in Newcastle, WA at the corner of 123 rd Ave SE and SE 74 th St WHAT: Digging holes and planting trees WHY: Help enhance our parks! Volunteers Earn Community Service Hours Tools and Gloves will be provided but please feel free to bring your own Dress for inclement weather Refreshments will be provided!
Hazelwood Harvest Carnival WHEN: Friday, October 24, 3:30 PM to 9:30 PM WHERE: Hazelwood Elementary School WHAT: Varying tasks from Organizing Set-up, Supervising pumpkin carving, Game Booths, Cupcake Walk, Event Clean-up, Etc… WHO DO I TALK TO: See Mr. Crueger in Rm. 214 to sign up! Volunteer Check in Table on day of event
Swimming Timers!!! Need timers for meets on Oct. 16, 21, 23 from 2:40 PM to 5:30 PM
NEED A TUTOR WHEN: Tuesday afternoons WHAT: Algebra 3-4 See Dr. Jones or Mrs. Tally for information
Highlander Pantry at Homecoming! Need someone to man the Highlander Pantry table during the Homecoming Game, 1 st Quarter & 4 th Quarter The Booth is next to the ticket purchase NEED a driver with a large car (who isn’t in the parade) to drive food and materials away from the game
Clothes for the Cause DONATE!!!! And GET YOUR FRIENDS TO DONATE!!! Halloween themed now that the drive is moved to the week, Oct New posters… maybe… with dates on them…
Thanks and don’t forget to volunteer!