Freshman Transition Initiative TEN STEPS The George Washington University freshman
How do we help ALL students recognize the value of education? The key to impacting students: How do we help ALL students view their futures?
Studies show… The first year of high school (8th or 9th grade) is critical. Students make choices that impact the rest of their lives… It is our responsibility to help them make informed choices.
REASONS students drop out early: MalesFemales 55% 49%Didn’t like school 52% 17% Couldn’t get along with teachers 31% 14%Felt they didn’t belong 18% 22% Couldn’t get along with peers 19% 33% Suspended too often 38% 25% Couldn’t keep up with work 46% 33% Failing grades NELS. TwoYears Later: Cognitive Gains and School Transition
What can we do? Freshman Transition Class for ALL students that culminates in a 10-year plan
Benefits of a Freshman Transition course: Creates buy-in to the educational process Offers relevant themes for academic skill development Helps students become identity achieved and builds self-esteem Supports counseling and guidance goals by helping students develop education and career plans
Standards-driven Freshman Transition courses: Reduce dropout rates (high school and college) Increase matriculation into post-secondary programs Increase recruitment and retention into technical programs Provide skills to successfully navigate life and work transitions
Step One: Gather your resources Course Standards for Freshman Transition Classes George Washington University’s Freshman Transition Initiative
Freshman Transition Standards can be used to develop courses for: Freshman Orientation classes Smaller Learning Communities Critical “first course” for Tech Prep or Career Academies Career Orientation courses Life Skills mandates Dropout Prevention interventions
Step Two: Create a vision Why is a 10-year plan important for all freshmen? George Washington University’s Freshman Transition Initiative
A 10-Year Plan provides the vision that helps students: Stay in high school, graduate, then… Enter and COMPLETE post-secondary education and/or training, then… Make timely and successful transitions into an economically self-sufficient adulthood.
Step Three: Form a Planning Team Generate community buy-in Identify a curriculum that meets the Freshman Transition Standards Recruit experienced teachers Promote the school-wide initiative Set up a system to share student 10-year plans with all teachers George Washington University’s Freshman Transition Initiative
Step Four: Generate Community Buy-in for Freshman Transition Course & the 10- year plan George Washington University’s Freshman Transition Initiative
Step Five: Identifycurriculum Aligned/Validated with FTS Career Choices by Academic Innovations meets 95% FTS VALIDATED supplements Real Game – California DOE Career Solutions Parent’s Planner Career Cruising Check the GWU website for updates
Choose a curriculum that helps students: 1.Recognize the value of education and the lifelong rewards of achieving in school 2.Become identity achieved, which builds self-esteem, confidence and character 3.Create an educational plan for the next 10 years—along with the skills to change
Motivational Cycle When a student sees personal benefit in the task – such as developing their 10-year plan for their ideal future… Skill Level Increases Self-esteem Increases Motivation Increases Student Experiences Success Comprehension Increases
Step Six: Teacher recruitment WANTED Exceptional innovators for a project-based, contextual classroom. George Washington University’s Freshman Transition Initiative
Step Seven: Professional Development Developing new classroom strategies, skills and techniques for the active-learning classroom George Washington University’s Freshman Transition Initiative
Advantages of integrated, thematic- driven curriculum… Learners: See connections and relationships between disciplines–more like the real world Are more motivated and engaged by thematic/relevant topics Learn to synthesize information rather than memorize facts Gain an increased perception of the real world that makes the transition to work faster and easier
Step Eight: Make your Freshman Transition Initiative a school-wide effort Update the 10-year plans no less than each year Each academic department commits to an active role in the update process. George Washington University’s Freshman Transition Initiative
Step Nine: Share all student’s 10-year plans each year with their instructors Use your student’s future goals and dreams to keep them on-task academically. S tudents who complete a Freshman Transition course understand the consequences of their efforts. George Washington University’s Freshman Transition Initiative
Using each student’s 10- year plan as a motivator, classroom teachers can provide an effective one- to-one guidance role.
Step Ten: Recognize and Celebrate As our dropout rates plummet and our academic scores rise, we want to remember to take time to celebrate the hard work and dedication of all involved. George Washington University’s Freshman Transition Initiative
Rebecca Dedmond, Ph.D. The George Washington University