Fifteen years since last professional haircut Dave Eggers
Couldn't cope so I wrote songs Aimee Mann
Well, I thought it was funny Stephen Colbert
70 years, few tears, hairy ears. Watching quietly from every door frame. Catholic school backfired. Sin is in! Savior complex makes for many disappointments. Nobody cared, then they did. Why? Some cross-eyed kid, forgotten then found. Born in the desert, still thirsty. A sake mom, not soccer mom. Extremely responsible, secretly longed for spontaneity. No future, no past. Not lost. Almost a victim of my family The psychic said I'd be richer. Grumpy old soundman needs love, too. Painful nerd kid, happy nerd adult. NPR, Excerpted from Not Quite What I Was Planning from Smith magazine, Harper Perennial, 2008.
SLA MN Chapter Members Self-Described in Six Words February 2010
What is around the next corner Jim Tchobanoff
Organizing my closet makes me smile Julie Fleischhacker
Wishing I were riding my bike Anonymous
Seek and find. Hide and seek. Deb Rash
Couldn’t decide: be reserved or outgoing Mary Ettl
Jack Daniels makes me more fun Mary Ettl
Chemistry nerd and third generation librarian Rachel Wangerin
Nomadic Californian Desperately Seeking Warm Sunshine Anonymous
Still haven’t had to make lemonade Karen Mackey
Made lemonade, twice, loving this batch. Polly Perkins
Bumps happen. So use a bandage. Sara Peters