By Tcebrii Pavel, 10 v
A lot of ways to use: Communication almost anywhere you want Convenient organizer Music and Video player Digital camera Powerful calculator Alarm and clock Web browser GPS navigator Different means of intertaiment etc.
I usually use it to: Gaming (mostly) Preparing homework Communicate Surfing internet Watching movies Search for different information Amplify the sound of electric guitar and overlay effects on it)) Another situational ways (like programming etc.)
This is the most useful device. Things it helps me to: Processing information Talk, eat, see, hear, smell Solving problems Laze Feeling the emotions Trying to think about something important Having fun, joking Making presentations like this And I really couldn’t live without it))
Maybe I doesn’t have a lot of different fashionable devices, but these 3 thing is everything I need, and they helps me a lot. All this 3 thing is completely irreplaceable, and I can’t imagine my life without them. Especially without mobile phone. Ha-ha, it’s a joke. Of course, without PC. Devices, used to make this presentation: PC Mobile phone Head