Today’s Lesson : [Narrating style in a passage from Direct to Indirect.]
Objectives : Identify the reporting verb and it’s reported speech & speeches. Change the Narration from direct to Indirect. Objectives : Identify the reporting verb and it’s reported speech & speeches. Change the Narration from direct to Indirect.
Now read the passage very carefully& follow the reportinv verb & reported speeh "Jamil can you tell me what I am teaching?" the teacher said. "I am sorry, I can't follow," replied Jamil. "You can't because you are not attentive," the teacher said. R. verb R.Speech f R. verb R. Speech R. verb
Now match the reported speeches withe their reporting verb from the passage "Jamil can you tell me what I am teaching?" the teacher said. "I am sorry, I can't follow," replied Jamil. "You can't because you are not attentive," the teacher said.
The teacher jamil tell what teachein. Jamil replied that sorry and that follow. The teacher said that I couldn’t because not attentive. if asked couldhehimhe was he was added hecouldn’t he was
The teacher asked jamil if he could tell him what he was teachein. Jamil replied that he was sorry and added that he couldn’t follow. The teacher said that I couldn’t because I was not attentive.
Home work Change the following direct speech to Indirect speech The man said to the manager, "May I come in, sir?" "yes, come in. What do you want?" said the manager. "I want to open a bank account in your bank, "said the man. "Can you tell me how I can open a saving account?"