Los Pronombres del Complemento Indirecto Página 370 METELENOS OS LES.


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Presentation transcript:

Los Pronombres del Complemento Indirecto Página 370 METELENOS OS LES

The indirect object tells you… …to whom or for whom the action of the verb is being done. Science is fascinating to me. She gave (to) him the test. We showed (to) them the puppy.

Los Pronombres del Complemento Indirecto to/for me to/for you (familiar, singular) to/for him, her, you (formal, singular) to/for us to/for you (familiar, plural) to/for them, you (formal, plural) me te le nos os les

Verbs youll use IDOP with a lot gustar (gusta/gustan) encantar (encanta/encantan) dar (doy,das,da,damos,dais,dan) fascinar (fascina/fascinan) interesar (interesa/interesan) doler (duele/duelen) aburrir (aburre/aburren) to like (to be pleasing) to love (to be very pleasing) to give to be fascinating to be interesting to be painful to be boring

In the sentence, the IDOP goes… …before the verb!!! And the verb… …agrees with the subject !!! Yes, the subject may be at the end of the sentence. (A mí) me encantan la pizza y las papas fritas. (A Paco y Luisa) les encanta el jamón.

If you want to emphasize the IDOP… me a mí te a ti le a él, a ella, a Ud., a + nombre nos a nosotros/as, a + nombre y yo os a vosotros/as les a ellos, a ellas, a Uds., a + nombres

Ejemplos I like apples. (Think: The apples are pleasing to me.) (A mí) me gustan las manzanas. The city fascinates them. (Think: The city is fascinating to them.) (A ellos) les fascina la ciudad.

Ejemplos Social studies class interests us. (Think: The class of social studies is interesting to us.) (A nosotros) nos interesa la clase de ciencias sociales. You love to read? (Think: To read is very pleasing to you?) ¿(A ti) te encanta leer?