What are verbs? Verbs are actions!!!! IF YOU CANT DO IT, ITS NOT A VERB!!!
Verbs in Spanish In Spanish, there are 3 kinds of verbs: Verbs that end in –AR Verbs that end in –ER Verbs that end in –IR
Verb Parts hablar INFINITIVE- its the original form of the verb; it means to ______ STEM- it gives the verb its meaning. ENDING- its what tells you who is doing the action.
Lets practice… patinar INFINITIVE that means TO SKATE STEM ENDING
-AR VERBS YOU KNOW nadardibujarpracticarescuchar patinarayudarhablarestudiar
-AR VERBS YOU KNOW cocinartocarnecesitar empezarterminarenseñar
Conjugating –AR Verbs You will sound like a caveperson if you do not CONJUGATE your verb. CONJUGATE means you make the ending show who is doing the action in the sentence.
Steps to Conjugating –AR Verbs 1) Take the ENDING off of the INFINITIVE hablarhabl
Steps to Conjugating –AR Verbs 2)Ask yourself Who is doing this action? Is it… yo (I) tú (you: familiar, singular) él (he) ella (she) Usted (you: formal, singular)
nosotros (we: all male or male & female) Steps to Conjugating –AR Verbs 2) Ask yourself Who is doing this action? Is it… nosotras (we: all female) vosotros (you: all male or male & female) vosotras (you: all female) ellos (they: all male or male & female) ellas (they: all female) Ustedes (you: formal, plural)
Steps to Conjugating –AR Verbs 3) Attach the appropriate new ending to the end of the stem. yo ……..-o nosotros/as …….-amos tú …….-as vosotros/as ……..-áis élellos ellaellas Ud …….-a Uds ………………-an
Practicamos I swim. nadar= to swim Step 1- chop ending off of infinitive nad Step 2- ask Who is doing the action? yo Step 3- put correct ending on verb nad + -o = nado Yo nado= I swim.
Practicamos He cooks. cocinar= to cook. Step 1- chop ending off of infinitive cocin Step 2- ask Who is doing the action? él Step 3- put correct ending on verbcocin + -a = cocina Él cocina = He cooks.
Practicamos tocar (nosotros) estudiar (ella) practicar (vosotros) ayudar (Uds.) escuchar (tú) nosotros tocamos ella estudia vosotros practicáis Uds. ayudan tú escuchas What do these mean in English???