Romanian National Meteorological Administration | Presenter: Oana Nicola Authors: Andrei Diamandi, Oana Nicola, Alina Ristea NWCSAF at NMA: Evolution of the processing chain and visualization of the products NWCSAF 2015 U SERS ’ W ORKSHOP ROMANIAN NATIONAL METEOROLOGICAL ADMINISTRATION
onwards What should we expect from the future? Conclusions Outline NWCSAF 2015 U SERS ’ W ORKSHOP Romanian National Meteorological Administration
SAFNWC /MSG v1.0 available to users in 2004 Pre-operational implementation: - SUN Ultra 60 (512 MB RAM, 1 CPU) - SUN Solaris 8 OS - F95 Compiler, C++, … - PGE’s exported from HDF to Tiff NWP data: ECMWF - REGIONRomania - REGION_CENTRE_P500, REGION_SIZE700, – 2006 “Episode I” Romanian National Meteorological Administration Operational (2006) SUN Ultra 60 (1 GB RAM, 1 CPU) SUN Solaris 8 OS F95 Compiler, C++, … PGE’s exported from HDF to Tiff NWCSAF 2015 U SERS ’ W ORKSHOP
2004 – 2006 “Episode I” Processing Chain & Data Flow Romanian National Meteorological Administration
2004 – 2006 “Episode I” Romanian National Meteorological Administration SAFNWC/MSG products couldn’t be displayed by the forecaster’s visualization system (neX-REAP) since it couldn’t handle other color schemes than those built in… The forecaster had to display the products on a separate computer/screen No converter for BUFR/GRIB products to image Expensive computer system (SUN Workstation) Difficult to evaluate the products when one cannot overlay meteorological fields, etc. However, forecasters quite enthusiast and willing to use the products NWCSAF 2015 U SERS ’ W ORKSHOP
“New” (but more powerful h/w) – SUN Enterprise 3500 (2GB RAM, 4 CPU) – SAFNWC/MSG v2008 – Operational (2008) First Linux machine – Fedora Core – SAFNWC/MSG v2009 – Operational (2010) EUMETCAST hot standby system Linux – “A New Hope” Romanian National Meteorological Administration NWCSAF 2015 U SERS ’ W ORKSHOP
And finally Linux! An easier installation of the NWCSAF/MSG Cheaper hardware (Workstation/Desktop PC) Separate production and development machines NWCSAF/MSG accessible to more people Backup machine now affordable Free software! (compilers, OS) And a lot of enthusiasm! But… still not possible to visualize the products on the forecaster’s system (obviously not NWCSAF/MSG software’s fault) Linux – “A New Hope” Romanian National Meteorological Administration NWCSAF 2015 U SERS ’ W ORKSHOP
SAFNWC/MSG virtualization Vmware ESXi 3.5 Fujitsu-Siemens TX200 S4 (2x Intel Xeon, 16 GB RAM…) VM operational Benefits: – Shorter downtimes –> in case of malfunction, just fire up a clone of the most recent functioning VM – Easy to install new versions of the SAFNWC/MSG -> use a pre-configured copy of your favorite OS as a VM – Handy for testing new configurations /experiment – Can run production and development VM’s on the same h/w – Easy backup/transfer Drawbacks: VM proliferation -> rare, only if one easily get attached to objects “Attack of the Clones” Romanian National Meteorological Administration NWCSAF 2015 U SERS ’ W ORKSHOP
“Attack of the Clones” Romanian National Meteorological Administration The EUMETCast system & the SAFNWC VM farm NWCSAF 2015 U SERS ’ W ORKSHOP
Product Visualization & Integration: – Still not possible to ingest the PGE’s in the nexREAP visualization system -> one more display on the forecaster’s desk, thin appetite for new products and even thinner for validation/evaluation – Hopes rise in 2014 with the announcement of a new forecaster visualization system for – It has been decided however to give a try to the ADAGUC -> might not replace a full fledged visualization system but it could certainly come close; badly needed in order to help “reboot” forecasters interest in both evaluation/validation and operational use of NWCSAF products “Attack of the Clones” Romanian National Meteorological Administration NWCSAF 2015 U SERS ’ W ORKSHOP
The focus is foreseen to be less on the processing chains (the technology is quite mature) but more on the evaluation/validation/utilization/integration of the SAFNWC products The evaluation/validation requires not only a proper visualization system but also toolboxes capable to easily create scenarios for automated validation using long product time series (short time series and case studies are useful but not enough) - > will become a “must” with MTG’s 5/2.5 min scan, 1(2) km resolution 2015 – onwards “The Force Awakens” Romanian National Meteorological Administration NWCSAF 2015 U SERS ’ W ORKSHOP
More data (MTG: 1km/2km resolution, 16 channels) and more often (5/2.5 min scans) -> more products (old + new) Higher demand for accurate/ real-time products As a result, more CPU’s will be needed quite soon However, if Moore’s law still holds, computing power should not be an issue But what about Time? Will it be still possible for a human to use in nowcasting 2 (or 3?) dozens of new products coming every 2.5 minutes? (Semi) automated nowcasting systems will certainly help, but complex visualization systems will still be needed in both operational meteorology and product evaluation/validation What should we expect from the future? Romanian National Meteorological Administration NWCSAF 2015 U SERS ’ W ORKSHOP
10 years of SAFNWC have been challenging in many ways but exciting and rewarding The next 10 look even more interesting There are many things we could have done better and faster We have been learning a lot and teach others some Conclusions Romanian National Meteorological Administration NWCSAF 2015 U SERS ’ W ORKSHOP
Thank you! Romanian National Meteorological Administration NWCSAF 2015 U SERS ’ W ORKSHOP