SER = “to be” Spanish I
Uses of SER *Personality Traits (adjectives) ¿Cómo eres? - What are you like? Yo soy extrovertida, simpática y cómica. I am outgoing, nice and funny. *Physical Traits Yo soy alto, moreno y musculoso. I am tall, dark and muscular. *Origin ¿De dónde eres?- Where are you from? Yo soy de Caracas, Venezuela. I am from Caracas, Venezuela.
Conjugations of SER Yo soy = I am Tú eres = you are Él es = he is Ella es = she is Usted es = You (formal) are
Conjugations of SER Nosotros/as somos = we are Vosotros/as sois= Y’all (spain) are Ellos son = They (boys/mixed) Ellas son = They (girls) are Ustedes are son = Y’all are
Nosotros somos inteligentes. Mini-QUIZ on SER The “yo” form of SER is… Soy Can SER be used to help describe people? YES What does SER mean? “to be” ¿Cómo se dice…”We are intelligent”? Nosotros somos inteligentes.