lunes, el 17 de enero Agenda: Warm-up Repaso – Semester Test Objetivo: SWBAT use grammar concepts from Semester 1. Ejercicio: Translate We are at school. She is as tall as Joel. I know Sr. Chang. They dry their hair. You are skinny.
martes, el 18 de enero Agenda:Warm-up Vocab 2B AVSR 100 Verbos Need your Netbooks 1/20 -1/21 Need to logged on to my class in MOODLE Objetivo:SWBAT Translate Vocabulary 2B AVSR Ejercicio: Write out your numbers from
miércoles, el 19 de enero Agenda: Warm-up Repaso – Vocab 2B AVSR Workbook Need your Netbooks 1/20 -1/21 Need to logged on to my class in MOODLE Objetivo: SWBAT Translate and use Vocabulary 2B AVSR Ejercicio:Conjugate the following 1. Comprar 2. Costar (o ue)
jueves, el 20 de enero Agenda:Warm-up WorkbookNetbooks Objetivo: SWBAT Vocabulary 2B AVSR Ejercicio: Write and Translate verbs 51-60
viernes, el 21 de enero Agenda:Warm-up Conjuguemos Verbs NetschoolVocab 2B AVSR Finish Number Worksheet Objetivo: SWBAT to translate Vocab 2B AVSR and Verbs Ejercicio:Translate using pesos 1.The shirt cost $15. 2.We buy videogames at the electronics store. 3.He is buying red and black shoes.
Create Student account 3. School Code User name First Two letters, last name Example: Joe Cool Jocool 5. Password: Color then 2 digit number Example Verde56 2 nd Azul3 rd Gris 6 th Rojo7 th Negro