Bibi Faatimah Zahra (s.a) Group B We dedicate this presentation to Imam-e-zamaana (a.t.f.s )
Her Birthday Bibi Faatimah Zahra (s.a) was born on 20 th Jamadi-us-sani in Makkah.
Her family Bibi Faatimah’s mother is Bibi Khateeja s.a Bibi Faatimah’s father is the holy prophet Mohammad s.a.w. Bibi Faatimah is the only child of her parents Bibi Faatimah’s husband is Imam Ali a.s Her children are Imam Hasan a.s, Imam Hussain a.s, Bibi Zainab, Bibi Umme Kulsoom and baby Mohsin
The best woman Bibi Faatimah is Sayada-tun-nisa-il-alameen, the leader of all the women of the universe for all times
Her Laqab and Kunniyat Bibi Faatimah s.a has a number of laqabs Some are: Sayada, Abida, Tahira, Zahida Masooma, Batool. Her kunniyat are Umme Abeeha, Ummul Hasnain, Ummul Aimma
Bibi Faatimah (s.a) and Hadees-e- kisa In Hadees-e-kisa, Allah s.w.t introduced the Panjatan through her. He says, “ hum Faatimato, wa abooha, wa ba’luha, wa banooha”
Bibi Faatimah(s.a )and Qur’aan These Suraahs in Qur’aan came specially in the honor of Bibi Faatimah(s.a): Surah-e- Qadr Surah-e-Kausar Surah-e-Dahar
Bibi Faatimah(s.a) and Tasbeeh-e-Zahra The holy prophet gifted this to her. We do this zikr after every wajib namaaz. Allah-o-Akbar - 34 times Alhum-du-lillah - 33 times Sub-haan-allah - 33 times
Bibi Faatimah(s.a) and Hadees-e- Rasool The holy prophet always stood up whenever she came and offered her his place. The holy prophet says,” Faatimah s.a is an integral part of me.’ O’ Allah, be pleased with ones who have pleased Faatimah (s.a) and be angry with those who have angered Faatimah (s.a)
Bibi Faatimah and Aayah-e-Tatheer The famous verse of purification, aayah-e- tatheer in surah-e-ahzaab: “innama yuree dullah leyuzheba ankumur rijsa Ahlulbayte wa yu tahherakum tatheera” 33:33 was revealed in her house.
Bibi Faatimah(s.a) and Fadak Fadak was offered by Jews to the Holy Prophet s.a.w. Allah s.w.t asked him to give it to Bibi Faatimah s.a. 17:26 After the Holy Prophet left this world, abu bakr and umar-ibne–khattab snatched Fadak which was rightfully hers.
Oppression Of Bibi Faatimah(s.a) Later they attacked her house Put her door on fire Crushed her behind it Killed her baby, Mohsin Injured her severely This caused her death
Shahadat of Bibi Faatimah (s.a) After her injuries she couldn’t live for more than 75 or 90 days. She left this world on 3 Jamadi-us-sani. She is buried in Jannat-ul-Baqee. She was 18 yrs old.
We learn from her To be kind To be helpful To be just To be brave To be strong To do hija’ab