Installation of The Shotgun Offense C R W M S C E T T E By James Vint Offensive Coordinator Christopher Columbus High School Bronx, New York
Advantages of The Gun Defenses Have To Account For the QB As A Runner Every Play Becomes An Option Play QB Has Easier Pre And Post Snap Reads QB Already Has Depth In The Pass Game Offense Can Read Rather Than Block A Defender In The Run Game QB Works Downhill As Opposed To Uphill From Under C Linebackers On Their Heels As Gun Is A Pass Formation In Two Back Gun The D Must Account For 3 Backs and 3 Wideouts In One Back Gun The D Must Account For Two Backs And Four Wides
Comparing The Gun To Under Center F Def Accounts For 4 WR and 1 Back Defense Does Not Have To Defend The QB As A Runner Defense Can Defend The Box With 6 VS 6 C R W M S C E T T E F Defense Must Account For The QB AS The Second Back Defense Must Account For Four Wideouts If D Account For 4 Wides, They Are Left With 6 To Defend 7 In The Box C R W M S C E T T E
QB Pre Snap Alignment QB Aligns at 4.5 yards from the center Feet are slightly staggered with throwing foot slightly in front Hands are comfortable, with fingers spread QB brings the snap through the third hand QB Snaps Eyes to Read
QB Footwork And The Mesh If The back is crossing the QB, the QB will take a flat step toward the back. We call this SHORT STEP, FLAT STEP. He reaches the ball deep and feels the bell of the back, snapping his eyes to his read. He rides the back through while making his read. “Squeeze and Chase, Pull and Replace”
RB Footwork And The Mesh The back aligns 1.5 to 2 yards behind the QB, straddling the outside leg of the guard. If the back is crossing the QB, he will take a step opposite the QB, then get downhill. He must make a deep pocket, with the top palm up. The back must feel the QB read, and not snatch at the football.
QB’s Rule: Squeeze and Chase, pull and replace. Read the Backside 5 Technique The main concept you will get from this manual is the concept of reading the backside 5 technique. The QB will read the backside 5 technique. This allows the backside tackle to work up to the second and third level. Under center, the quarterback is not able to read the backside 5 technique, he is working uphill. From the gun, the QB can read the backside 5 tech and use his rule. QB’s Rule: Squeeze and Chase, pull and replace. If the 5 technique squeezes the tackle’s release and chases the back the quarterback is meshing with, the QB will pull the football and replace the 5 technique. This is a way of reminding the QB to get downhill. If the 5 tech does anything else, the QB gives the ball and carries out a downhill run fake to hold the pursuit. We drill this with our MESH DRILL. The QB’s and running backs work together getting their mesh down, while the QB reads the 5 tech.. We vary how the 5 technique plays in each situation as we drill the mesh and read. Mesh Drill DE If the DE squeezes and chases, the QB will pull the ball and replace the DE. We want the QB to get downhill. C If the DE sits at home, or goes upfield, the QB will give the ball and continue a downhill run fake. QB RB
Diagram Of The Mesh The QB Takes A Flat Step To The Back, then a short step. His feet should face the Sideline, in a heel toe relationship at the mesh point.
Same Side Mesh If the QB is meshing with the back on the same side as the call, his footwork will be similar to inside veer. He will take a short step, then get up in. We want a short step to the back, then the opposite foot working downhill on the Mesh. The TB will step to the QB, then downhill. He must try to keep his shoulder’s square.
Same Side Mesh QB works his feet to parallel, similar to inside veer footwork. TB steps to the QB, keeping his shoulders square.
Formation Identification Gun Pro (Pittsburgh) R F C W M C E T T E S F C S W M R C E T T E Twins Gun (Minnesota)
Formation Identification Ace Gun (Alabama) F C R W M C E T T E S F C S W M R C E T T E Trips Closed (Cleveland)
Formation Identification Empty (Gator) F C R M W C E T T E S F C S W M R C E T T E Bunch (Baltimore)
Motion Identification Rip: Left IS Receiver Across The Formation Liz: Right IS WR Across the Formation Hump: FB to the TE Jump: FB away from the TE Tom: TE to the call Ted: TE away from the call Jet: Z across the formation Zip: Z Into the formation Zap: Z Away from the formation Away: TB away from the TE To: TB to the TE
Inside Zone Read From Alabama C R W M S C E T T E Offensive Line Uses Inside Zone Blocking Techniques QB Reads Backside 5 Tech TB and QB Utilize Mesh Footwork
Inside Zone Read With Extra Def C R W M S C E T T E We use motion to block the extra guy, or we can have the BST block the T and read the E. Best case is to check to QB Iso through the 3 hole.
Base Dive From Alabama Oline uses base dive scheme W M S C E T T E Oline uses base dive scheme Great vs. 1-5 technique playside TB and QB Utilize Same Side Mesh Footwork QB Gives, there is no read Center Cuts Playside One Tech
Base Dive Fold From Alabama C R W M S C E T T E Center and PSG will Fold vs. aggressive one tech Guard Blocks Down, Center Steps Around TB and QB Utilize Mesh Footwork Creates Angles For A Quick Hitting Play
Base Dive Kick From Alabama W M S C E T T E Center Pulls and Kicks Out 5 Tech PST Inside Veer Releases To PSLB TB and QB Utilize Same SideMesh Footwork Quick Hitting Play to Put the 5 Tech On Ice
46 Counter Read Use Base Dive To Set Up Counter Read F C R W M S C E T T E Use Base Dive To Set Up Counter Read Counter Read Allows You To Read the BS End You can use motion to account for another defender on the read side.
46 Scissors Read Scissors Action Holds The Backside Flow M R C E T T E S Scissors Action Holds The Backside Flow Scissors Read Allows You To Read the BS End Allows You To Have A Lead Blocker For The QB
42 Tackle Trap Read Allows You To Account For The Will LB M S C E T T E Allows You To Account For The Will LB Tackle Trap Read Allows You To Read the BS End Quick Hitting Play In The Center of The Defense
42 Trap Read Again, Allows You To Account For The Will LB M S C E T T E Again, Allows You To Account For The Will LB Short Trap is Quicker Than The Tackle Trap You can move the QB up to 3.5 Yards
Adding The Option Game To The Gun Forces The Defense To Play Assignment Football Slows Down Blitzing Linebackers Creates Opportunities For The Big Play Slows Down Pursuit of Front Seven Allows You To Account For More Defenders QB Makes Reads While Working Downhill
Option Plays From The Gun Inside Veer Outside Veer Load Lead Speed Belly Counter Trap Slide
Inside Veer From The Gun C W M S C E T T E QB Reads 5 Tech For Give Read, OLB or R for Pitch Great vs. 1-5 technique playside TB and QB Utilize Same Side Mesh Footwork Great vs. 8 Man Fronts O Line Uses Zone Combination Blocks
Speed Option From Alabama C R W M S C E T T E O-Line Uses Inside Veer Blocking Great vs. 1-5 technique playside TB Drop Steps and Gets Into Pitch Relationship QB Slides and Attacks PS DE Zone Combination Blocks Get Great Movement
OS Veer Option Option From Gun C R W M S C E T T E O-Line Uses Outside Veer Blocking Great vs. Any Defensive Front Minus and Invert FB Steps to Play and Attacks 5 hole QB gets downhill and reads 9 tech Zone Combination Blocks Get Great Movement
Load Option From Gun O-Line Uses Outside Veer Blocking W M S C E T T E O-Line Uses Outside Veer Blocking Great vs. Any Defensive Front Minus and Invert FB Flashes Hands and Works To Alley Player QB Uses OS Veer FW, Then attacks 9 tech Zone Combination Blocks Get Great Movement
Slide Option QB Slides To The Playside and Reads The 5 Tech. If the 5 squeezes, the QB attacks the next defender. If the 5 comes upfield, the QB shovels the ball to the Under Back. Use Veer Blocking Puts the five in another lose-lose dilemma
Spread Gun 15 Slide F C C S W M $ E T T E From The Even look, the ISWR becomes the pitch man. You can also bubble him and use the bubble as the second option. Keep the bubble behind the line as you have lineman going upfield.
Gun Slot 15 Slide F C C W M S $ E T T E
The Horses Set The horses set is a set we used to get our QB on the perimeter. We ran the horses set with great success. The base play is 18-19 Horses. We complement this play with 12-13 Iso, and all of our read plays. We also run our zone play, and run play action off the horses. The horses set is designed to get angle blocks on our opponents. The Horses Set Motion
Zip 18 Horses F C C W M $ E T T E S Zip Motion
Ace Gun 13 ISO vs. 30 Stack F $ N C C W M S E T E From an Even set under center, you couldn’t run the Iso without motioning a slot. From the gun, you the defense has to account for two backs in the backfield, and still account for four wides.
Getting Your QB In The Run Game Ace Gun 17 Power F $ C C W M S E T T E From an ace set under center, you couldn’t run the power without motioning a slot. From the gun, you the defense has to account for two backs in the backfield, and still account for four wides.
QB Mechanics in the Pass Game QB Calls The Play Twice In The Huddle Formation, Motion, Protection, Play QB Makes A Half Field Read Based On His Pre-Snap Checks QB Begins Cadence Hot Color Means Changing The Protection Or Routes Cold Color, Play and Protection Are Being Run As Called
QB Pre Snap Reads Continued QB Looks Right and Looks Left He Reads Depth of Corners and Number of Safeties Receivers Will Signal Technique QB Checks Inverts and Blitz Combos QB Checks Off If Needed QB Raises Hands and Center Looks Up
Identifying Coverages Cover 0: True Man Cover 1: Man with FS Free Cover 2: Two Deep Safeties Cover 3: Three Deep Zones Cover 4: Quarters, Four Deep Zones Cover 5: Quarter/Quarter/Half Spy: Defender will Spy QB (Usually with running QB) Robber: Defender assigned to Rob or Take and area of the Pass Game Away
Identifying Cover 0 Corners Align Inside As They Have No Help W M C R E T T E S Corners Align Inside As They Have No Help Free Safety Moves Over TE (Check Sam Blitz Rover Lined Up Over IS WR Beat 0 With Crossing Routes
Identifying Cover 0 Corners Align Inside As They Have No Help W M R S E T T E Corners Align Inside As They Have No Help Pre Snap Sam Walks Up To Blitz Free Safety Moves To Cover ISWR Beat 0 With Crossing Routes
Identifying Cover 1 F C C W M R S E T T E Corners Align Head Up to OS as they have safety help FS Stays in Middle, May Favor Field ISWR are covered TE May be covered by SLB Can Be 0 with FS on RB If Mike and Will Blitz, Play Cover 0 Routes
Identifying Cover 2 Corners Align Press to 5 Yards $ F C W M S E C T T E Corners Align Press to 5 Yards Safeties Play Outside The OT’s, Can Be On The Hash OLB’s Play IS of ISWR, Triangle Technique The Safety Will Tell You If The Coverage IS Two, Four, or A Cloud Three.
Identifying Cover 3 One Middle Safety, Usually at 12-15 W M $ E T T E S One Middle Safety, Usually at 12-15 Corners Play OS Alignment at 7 to 9 yards. Usually and Invert One Side Of the Field, or a 4-4 Type Look Tough To Play Cover 2 From a 3 Shell, But Defenses use a 3 shell to disguise cover 4. Also Looks Like Cover 1. If $ is leveraging TE, expect cover one.
Identifying Cover 4 Two Safeties, Inside the hashes. $ C W M E T T E S Two Safeties, Inside the hashes. Corners in off technique, near safety depth Usually No Invert versus cover 4 Expect limited blitzes versus cover 4. Can Roll Into Cover 3 Strong Or Weak Defenses Run Cover 4 to get the safeties into the run game.
Defeating Pressure Change Your QB Drop Zone Use a 3-Step Drop Use A Sprint Out Pass Use The Dash Series Use Screens and Draws Learn To Throw Hot
Route Combinations and Coverage Adjustments F C W M $ C E T T E S Cali Combo Is A Five Step Curl Flat Front Side #1 Runs Curl, Number 2 Runs Flat, Number 3 Runs Slice Backside is a Scat Combo QB Reads #2 Defender 5 Step Combo QB Makes A Pre Snap Read To Go Front Side Or Backside
Cali Combo vs. Cover 2 Curl Adjusts to a 12 Yard Stop F $ C W M C E T T E S Curl Adjusts to a 12 Yard Stop Frontside Runs 12 Yard Outside Release to Press the Corner and Get the $ Over The Top Flat Can Be Adjusted To An Arc Backside is a Scat Combo QB Reads #2 Defender 5 Step Combo QB Makes A Pre Snap Read To Go Front Side Or Backside
Crossing Combo (Chicago) F C $ W M C E T T E S Chicago is a 5 Step Combo With A Shallow Cross and 2 or 3 Verticals Frontside Runs Vertical/Stop Read, Makes Decision at 12 Yards #2 On Both Sides Runs Seam Backside WR Runs Shallow Cross 5 Step Drop QB Reads Technique Of Safety For Coverage Key QB Looks At Safety and Reads Backside Hook/Curl Defender
Middle Cross Hi Low On Mike (X’s) F C W M $ C E T T E S Hi Low Combo On The Mike Linebacker #2 Frontside Runs 5 Yards Vertical and Deepens to 12 as he crosses to the opposite hash #2 Backside Runs 3 Yards Vertical and Deepens to 7 as he crosses to the opposite hash 5 Step Combo Versus Off Coverage, Throw Stops Back Must Check Then Release Late
Rocket Double Screen F C $ W M C E T T E S QB Will Catch, Pivot, and Throw Call Side Runs Rocket, Backside Runs Swing TE Cracks Mike Backside WR Cracks #2 Backside RB Runs Swing Frontside Back Dives Into Line Towards DE Frontside WR Rocker Steps Forward and comes back through the ball Tackles Have the Sidewalk Guards Have the All Center Has Inside Alley
Alabama Rip Blue 5 Cali Right F C $ W M C E T T E S Alabama is the formation Rip is the motion Blue 5 is the protection Back Away from TE runs Swing Backside is a Scat Combo QB Reads #2 or flat Defender 5 Step Combo QB Makes A Pre Snap Read To Go Front Side Or Backside If the $ runs with the motion or inverts with the F, throw backside
Tennessee: 3 Step Complement To Cali Combo F C $ W M C E T T E S Three Step Drop Changes The QB Drop Zone Similar To Cali Combo, but routes are adjusted for shorter drop Playside #1 runs a slant Number 2 runs a flat route #3 Still Runs A Slice QB Reads #2 or flat Defender QB Throws on his third step QB Makes A Pre Snap Read To Go Front Side Or Backside If the $ runs with the motion or inverts with the F, throw backside
Pass Protection Schemes 3 Step Protections are a gap punch protection We aggressively pass protect to keep the hands down We use a low hat to pass set We protect the inside first and throw hot off blitzers
Five Step (BOB) Blue Protection We use Big-On-Big Techniques in our five step game. We block down guys first, then up guys. We pass set and punch, dropping our outside foot. O-Line Must Keep Shoulders Parallel to LOS Throw hot off blitzers We call our Blue protection with a number so everyone knows the number of protectors
Blue Protection Blue 5 is a base 5 man protection. Blue 6 Keeps One Back Blue 7 Keeps In Two Backs Stay tells the TE to Stay Blue 9 Is A Max Protect All backs and TE’s are in routes and are not staying to protect. We must block down guys first. Vs. Even fronts, we account for 4 down guys and Mike or Will. Vs. Odd fronts we account for the three or five down guys. If there are 3 down, we get the 2 ISLB’s.
5 Man Protection This is a base 5 man protection. F C $ W M C E T T E S This is a base 5 man protection. We block the man on our outside shoulder Uncovered has double read QB would check Mac to throw hot off Mike Blitz TE is hot off Mike QB throws to Flat Route if Sam comes
Blue 6 Protection This keeps a back in to block F S C $ W M C E T T E This keeps a back in to block The back has the Will unless he gets a nasty call Nasty puts the back on the EMOL If the $ blitzes, we go nasty and throw hot With motion, QB would look frontside with no defensive adjustment The word STAY alerts the TE he will stay in to Block. MAX keeps both backs in.
This Is A Basic Overview Of The Gun Offense There is Much More You Can Add James Vint Offensive Coordinator Christopher Columbus High School Bronx, New York