The Little Mermaid By Shain,Lauren and Manantika
Once upon a time deep down in the sea there lived a beautiful mermaid princess named Ariel. Ariel’s best friend was a fish named Flounder. She lived with her father, King Triton. Ariel was never allowed to go to shore but she disobeyed her father. One sunny morning Ariel went to shore and sat on a rock. She felt like going to go to shore very badly so Ariel went to Ursula the sea witch. If you would like Ariel to go to the evil sea witch Click here
Then Ariel asked Ursula to have feet but Ursula said “if you want feet you have to give me your beauty”. Ariel was sad but Ariel made it a deal, so Ursula prepared a magic potion and dripped it on Ariel’s head and body and all of a sudden Ariel was ugly. The next morning Ariel’s tail turned into feet so she swam up to shore. Ariel saw her land friend Scuttle. Scuttle had made Ariel a dress just on time. If you would like Ursula to be an octopus Click here If you would like Ursula to be a jellyfish Click here
When Ariel found Ursula’s cave she bravely went inside and she was surprised because she never knew Ursula was an octopus! Ariel told Ursula what she wanted. Ursula got a potion from her shelf and gave it to Ariel. If you would like Ursula to get her beauty Click Here If you would like Ursula to get her voice Click Here
When Ariel got the potion Ursula told Ariel what it did she said it would make your tail trans form into feet. Ariel agreed to the idea but before she dropped the potion on her head Ursula said you must give me your beauty. If you would like Ariel to get Vanessa’s beauty then click here If you would like Ariel to get Ursula’a face then click here.
When she looked to the mirror she saw her beautiful face turned horrifying. She realized she got Vanessa’s face. Ariel screamed and went far away The End
After that Ariel was a little embarrassed if the prince would like her because she didn’t have her beauty anymore, the prince was coming. Ariel stood to herself and whispered “Hi Prince Eric.” Prince Eric was surprised to see such a kind girl even if she was ugly. All Prince Eric wanted was a kind girl. He didn’t care about her beauty; he just wanted a kind girl. The End
Ariel wanted to be human so she went to Ursula. Ursula said “You must give me your voice if you would like to be human.” Ariel said “Okay.” Ursula said you must sing and I will put your singing in a box. All of a sudden Ariel’s singing was gone! Ariel was about to say, “What happened?” But she remembered she couldn’t talk any more because her singing was in the box. Click here to see how the story ends.
Ariel met Ursula the nice jelly fish. Ariel asked Ursula if she could turn Eric’s feet into a tail.Ursula said “oh yes I’d be happy to”. When Ariel heard that she was so happy. Then Ursula took a potion from her shelf and gave it to Ariel. If you would like Prince Eric to live at the sea with Ariel Click here Choice # 2 you would like Ariel to live in the castle to happen Click here
Ariel swam up to shore and found Prince Eric. She told Prince Eric to put drops one by one on him. In a blink of an eye, Eric’s feet turned into a tail. Once Eric’s feet turned into a tail, he dived inside the sea. Ariel dived in too. Ariel called the prince over and they went to find King Triton. Once they had found her father she told him that Eric was her dream prince. King Triton was happy so he arranged a marriage. Prince Eric and Ariel live happily ever after. The End
Finally Ariel and Eric got married. After they got married they went to Ariel’s Kingdom to ask for pirmition to live in the castle with Eric’s Mom and they could. If you would like Ariel to live in the castle Click here If you would like Ariel and Eric to live in a cottage Click Here
Finally Eric and Eric got married and they go to a village called Winter Vines. Then they make a mini hut from straw and hay and live happily ever after!
Once they got permission Eric and Ariel went to the castle. Eric showed Ariel where her room was. Even the living room and everything else. They lived happily ever after! The end
Ariel swam up to shore. After that Ariel saw Skuttle, the seagull, her friend. He made a dress just in time for Ariel to put on because she didn’t have any clothes anymore. She soon went over to the prince. She was about to say hi but she couldn’t talk. The prince took her over to the castle and gave her something to eat. Ariel was glad to be in the castle with the prince. After weeks, the prince found out she couldn’t talk anymore. Ariel started writing on paper if she wanted something. Ariel and the prince were still happy and wanted to get married. The prince’s father told him that he could get married to Ariel by tomorrow. Ariel and the prince were overjoyed and lived happily ever after. The End