رحلةjourney طباجcook قلقworried ليس جاهزاwasn't ready رائعfantastic
رائعwonderful قرنcentury ترجمةtranslation ايسلنديIcelindic
المخطوطةparchment سقط منfell out الحروف الهجائيةalphabet الرسالةthe message الشفرة السريةa secret code
1- Where did Axel and his uncle live? They lived in a house in the city of Hmburg. 2- Who was Martha? She was the Professor's cook.
3- Why was Martha worried when the Professor came back home early? She was worried because his dinner wasn't ready yet. 4- What did Professor Lidenbrock find? He found a fantastic old book.
6- What was the old book? It was a translation of a famous Icelandic book. 5- Who wrote the book? When? The book was written by Snori Sturrasson in the twelfth century.
8- What are runes? They are the old Icelandic alphabet. 7- What fell out of the book? A piece of parchment fell out of the book.
10- What did the professor use to make the letters bigger? He used a magnifying glass. 9- Why couldn't the Professor understand the message in the parchment? Because it was written in a secret code and the letters were mixed up.
11- Who wrote the parchment? - Arne Saknnussam 12- Who was Arne Saknnussam? He was a famous Icelandic scientist. He made great scientific discoveries.
13- What did the Professor decide? He decided not to eat or sleep until he broke the code of the message. 14- Who was professor Lidenbrock? He was a great scientist and geologist. He knew about earth more than any other scientist.
15- Why did other scientists come to learn from the professor? Because he knew about earth more than any other scientist. 16- Why did the Lidenbrock think that the parchment was written in Latin? Because the scientists of the 16th century always wrote about their discoveries in Latin.
17-What was Axel proud of? He was proud of his uncle. 18-Why was Axel proud of his uncle? Because other scientists from all over the world come to learn from because he knew about earth more than any other scientist
19- What did Axel do when his parents died? He moved to live with his uncle.
Now test yourself Answer the following questions: 1- What was Lidenbrock? 2- What was Hans? 3- Why did Professor use a magnifying glass ? 4- When did Axel come to live with his uncle ? 5- What did professor find in the book?
6- Why did geologists from all over the world go to the professor? 7- When did Axel come to live with his uncle? 8- Why couldn't the professor read the parchment? 9- What did the professor use to be able to read the parchment.
10- When did Axel come to live with his uncle Lidenbrock? 11- What did the professor found in the old book? 12- Why couldn't the professor read the letters on the parchment?
11- What was the professor? 12- What did the professor find in the old book? 13- Why did Axel go to live with his uncle? 14- Why couldn't the professor understand the writing on the parchment? 15- Who was Arne Saknussemm?
Complete the following: 1- Martha was When Axel's parents died Axel Came to live with his uncle when To keep his discovery a secret, Arne After the death of Axel's parents, he In order to make the letters bigger, the professor used