Double Object Pronouns By Jami Sipe Double Object Pronouns How to put direct object pronouns and indirect object pronouns together
the direct object pronoun. In Spanish: When you have a direct and indirect object pronoun, the indirect object goes in front of the direct object pronoun. Ejemplos: Necesito mil pesos. ¡Préstamelos! = (I need 1,000 pesos. Lend them to me!) Quiero un beso. ¿Me lo das? = (I want a kiss. Will you give it to me?)
Más ejempos: Nos interesa tu videojuego. = (We are interested in your video game.) ¿Nos lo enseñas? = (Will you show it to us?) ¿Me sacas una foto? = (Will you take a picture of me?) Sí, te la saco. = (Yes, I will take it of you.)
Note: Me los vas a leer. or Vas a leérmelos. = When a conjugated verb appears with an infinitive or with a present participle (an –ndo form), you can place the pronouns either before the first verb or after the second verb. If you place them after the second verb, you have to attach them to the end of the verb. Ejemplo: Me los vas a leer. or Vas a leérmelos. = (You’re going to read them to me.)
Ejemplo: Hay un problema que no comprendo. = (There’s a problem that I don’t understand.) A ver si te lo puedo explicar. or A ver si puedo explicártelo. = (Let’s see if I can explain it to you.)
Si, te lo voy a contar. or Si, voy a contártelo. = Otro ejemplo: Me vas a contar un chiste? = (Are you going to tell me a joke?) Si, te lo voy a contar. or Si, voy a contártelo. = (Yes, I’m going to tell it to you.)
When double object pronouns are added to an infinitive, present participle or affirmative command, an accent mark is always added, even to infinitives and command forms with one syllable. Ejemplo: ́ ¡Traigamelo! = (Bring it to me!)
When le or les comes before ¡Importante! When le or les comes before lo, la, los or las the le or les changes to se. ¡Se lo traigo! = (I bring it to you!)
Ejemplos of changing le or les to se: Yo les entregaré las cartas a ustedes. Yo se las entregaré. Le vamos a dar un Ferrari a Filiberto. Vamos a dárselo.
Check Your Knowledge! Translate the following sentences into Spanish. Change the noun objects to double direct and indirect object pronouns. 1. Mary gives the book to John. = Mary se lo da. 2. Paul writes us a letter. = Paul nos la escribe. 3. Sing Mark and Paul the song. = Cántasela. 4. I gave it to you. (formal) = Yo se lo/la di.
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