By Jami Sipe Formation of Adverbs
Adverbs are the words that modify verbs, adjectives or other adverbs. Usually ending in -ly
Most Spanish adverbs are formed by adding -mente Add -mente to the singular form of the adjective. This ending corresponds to the adverbial suffix -ly in English. Don’t forget the accents! They go where they would if there were no -mente.
Adjective Adverb Ejemplos: constante constantemente = constantly difícil fácil normal frecuente feliz especial reciente constantemente = constantly difícilmente = difficultly fácilmente = easily normalmente = normally frecuentemente = frequently felizmente = happily especialmente = especially recientemente = recently
If the adjective has masculine and feminine forms, JUST add -mente to the feminine form. Feminine Form Adjective Adverb claro desafortunado immediato rápido típico tranquilo lento clara desafortunada immediata rápida típica tranquila lenta claramente = clearly desafortunadamente = unfortunately inmediatamente = immediately rápidamente = quickly típicamente = typically tranquilamente = calmly lentamente = slowly
Another way to form adverbs: You may use the preposition “con” + the singular form of the noun. Ejemplos: cuidadoso: cuidadosamente or con cuidado = (carefully) perfecto: perfectamente or con perfección = (perfectly) cariñoso: cariñosamente or con cariño = (affectionately)
Some adverbs do NOT follow any pattern. Memorize this list! bastante = quite demasiado = too mal = badly mucho = a lot muy = very nunca = never peor = worse poco = little siempre = always
Ejemplos: Yo uso la computadora constantemente. = (I use the computer constantly.) Juan nunca usa la computadora. = (Juan never uses the computer.) Ella habla español perfectamente. = (She speaks Spanish perfectly.)
Check Your Knowledge! calmly especially normally clearly slowly badly quite never worse tranquilamente especialmente normalmente claramente lentamente mal bastante nunca peor
Credits ©2010 Teacher’s Discovery Written by: Jami Sipe Additional Information by: Suzanne Rutkowski Adriana Miretti Graphics and Design: Joseph Kohler Order Today! To get more of these Spanish grammar presentations, go to: Search: Grammar PowerPoints™