Following Me Start
One gloomy night before I went to bed, I went to around the house to check if all the doors and windows were all locked. Once I finished I walked toward the hallway. I suddenly saw shadows and I got scared. What should I do? Walk through Walk through or Start crying like a baby Start crying like a baby hallway
I walked down the hallway with fear. Suddenly I heard a noise and it was something scratching against the window and shadows just appeared out of nowhere. What should I do? Run to the room or Stay and wait Run to the room Stay and wait
You jump into bed and hide underneath your covers, Closer and closer the shadows gets, the more the shadows got closer the more you get scared. You softly try and say something but you can’t make up your mind of what to say. What do you say? “Is anyone there?” or “Is anyone there?” “I am very strong I can knock you out”
Nobody replies and your hands start to shake but then the lights turn off and everything just goes quiet. What should you do next? Run out the house or Stay and waitRun out the house Stay and wait
You cover the blanket over your head hoping that you would go to sleep but you couldn’t. Suddenly the lights go off and everything goes quiet all of a sudden. What do you do next? Run and find the light and turn it on or Stay in bed
You run and find to the light but I couldn’t. You hit and break a lot of things but you finally find the light. You turn around and find that the window is slamming. Do you close the window Yes Yes
You stay in bed and realize that the window was slamming really hard. Do you go and close it? Yes
You go over to shut the window but you see a shadow you grab a torch and shine it at the shadow but then realize that it was just a tree. You turn around to find that you are not alone…. Press the space bar
Your not very strong!!
The door is locked!!!
You wait to long and get scared so you decide to run to the room anyway.
You cried so much you started a lake and nobody heard you.