Introductions RLI Overview Notebook Review Evaluation Forms ThePlan
Goal For you to analyze your Rotary Club so you can measure how you rate yourself and your club in various areas, and for you to think how improvements, if you think necessary, can be made
Evaluations 0-9 Numerical scores are nice, but we really value your written comments
Leadership - Team Building Group Exercise
Why should we use team building & committees in a Rotary Club? Advantages & Disadvantages A main objective of a committee is to ______. Leadership - Team Building
The Club President The Committee Chair The Importance of Delegation Roles & Responsibilities
Summary More ideas Continuity More membership involvement Team spirit Buy – in by larger group A committee should generally be run by consensus rather than close votes. It takes leadership skills to arrive at consensus.
Evaluations 0-9 Numerical scores are nice, but we really value your written comments
Do we really need goals in a Rotary Club? Strategic Planning
What Makes a “Good” Goal?
What is a Strategic Plan?
Rotary Club of Shark Valley Establish five goals for your club as part of your overall strategic plan to be the most prestigious, well known and sought after club in Shark Valley! Who What When Where Why How
Summary Good Leaders have Vision and know where they want to go Goal Setting is a part of Vision, and is necessary to provide a path for progress Goal Setting should be a process starting with the club members up Goals are useless unless communicated to the members with periodic progress reports
Evaluations 0-9 Numerical scores are nice, but we really value your written comments
You have been appointed to chair a committee to develop a new service project for your Rotary Club! How do you start? Community Service versus Fundraising Delineate the Steps To Success Service Projects
Let’s Get Started Your Committee is to Develop a Service Project for Your Committee is to Develop a Service Project for Sunshine County, a Community of 15,000 People Steps Identify Need Is It Feasible? What Are Your Available Funds? Gain Support (Club/Community/Organizations) Develop Plan Identify Resources
Developing a Service Project Team A visited the Mayor who said that recreational facilities and activities are needed for teenagers. Unfortunately the town budget cannot pay for a youth center, etc. The Mayor did say that the town had a vacant lot that could be donated or used for some purpose. They also had a vacant two-room school that was not in very good condition.
Developing a Service Project Team B talked to the head of the welfare department who spoke of an elderly couple in town who seemed to be locked into their home because they couldn't navigate the front steps. They also had trouble climbing the stairs to their bedroom and often ended up sleeping on a couch or the floor. She asked if Rotary could help in any way.
Developing a Service Project Developing a Service Project Team C talked with a school principal at an elementary school in town and some teachers and guidance counselors. Unfortunately there were a lot of problems - some third graders who couldn't read at all, many kids without fathers, kids who couldn't afford a change of uniforms the school required, kids who come to school without breakfast and many other problems of poverty. Can or should Rotary do anything with this school?
Determining a Service Project Is the project feasible? Is the project advisable? Is the necessary funding within the club’s reach? How will you gain club support? How would you recommend executing the project?
Principles of a Service Project “Hands on” involves club members (develops ownership) Make Rotary the prime “mover” of the project (vs contributing to another organization) Deliver to community what it needs (not what we think it needs)
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Membership Attraction Membership Attraction What are some of the critical items necessary to keep members engaged? Retention vs Attraction: Which is more important? Why add new members? Why don’t Rotarians recruit?
Membership Attraction Membership Attraction Where should we look for future Rotarians? How do you find leaders in these groups to join Rotary? Quality vs. Quantity
Membership Attraction Membership Attraction Why join a Rotary Club? Why join your Rotary club? First impressions…
Create an “Attraction” Element of a Membership Strategic Plan Create an “Attraction” Element of a Membership Strategic Plan How to choose a Rotary development committee. How will it set goals? How will the campaign be promoted to potential members? What time frame? Short? All year? What methods will you use to attract potential members? Where will club members find prospects? Will advertising help? Will a classification survey help? What new risks will the committee take?
Every business or organization needs to expand its customer base or membership in order to prosper and survive Membership Development is an all year effort – every year It is the Responsibility of all Rotarians to ask qualified people to join Summary
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Is there a difference? The image of Rotary PR and the Club RI tools to assist Dealing with the media Publicity or Public Relations?
Rotary Club of Shark Valley Large Metropolitan club with large media outlets; active in all avenues of service Rotary Club of Dolphin Village Small rural club with little or no local media; club & local community service activities are the emphasis Rotary Club of the Middle Grounds Medium sized urban club with good local media, and only moderate activities in the 4 avenues of service Public Image Campaign
Your committee has been tasked with planning strategies for improving the public image of your club during this coming year. What public relations or publicity activities will you recommend the Board adopt, and how might they be implemented? Public Image Campaign
The club’s public image can affect the credibility of the club, as well as your membership Publicity is more than just press releases A wealth of resources are available from Rotary International Summary
Evaluations 0-9 Numerical scores are nice, but we really value your written comments
Wrap-Up What did you get out of today? How are you going to use what you learned today? Could we have made the learning experience any better for you?