Lord of the Flies by William Golding
Lord of the Flies Lord of the Flies is a novel written by William Golding, Nobel Prize winning author. The novel is about a group of British schoolboys who get stuck on a deserted island due to an unfortunate plane accident. Their attempt to govern themselves leads to disastrous results. Controversial subjects of human nature and individual welfare versus the common good engages the reader to explore his/her own values and morals. Published in 1954, Lord of the Flies was Golding’s first novel. Although it was not a great success at the time, it soon went on to become a bestseller, and by the early 1960s was required reading in many schools and colleges.
Lord of the Flies Requirements: All work must pass with a 75% or better. Each chapter requires a set of answers to the given questions. The answers need to be written in complete sentences (this means including the questions with in the answers). Each chapter has vocabulary words that have three requirements. Please read the directions on the vocabulary page. There is a required activity to be done once the book is completed. A Final is required to complete the book requirements. Please note; all written materials must be done in Word, spell and grammar checked , written in complete sentences (including spelling definitions) and sent in electronically to your teacher. Please save your work frequently and save a copy for yourself.
Lord of the Flies Requirements: All work must pass with a 75% or better. Each chapter requires a set of answers to the given questions. The answers need to be written in complete sentences (this means including the questions with in the answers). Each chapter has vocabulary words that have three requirements. Please read the directions on the vocabulary page. There is a required activity to be done once the book is completed. A Final is required to complete the book requirements. Please note; all written materials must be: In Microsoft Word, Spell and grammar checked Written in complete sentences (including spelling definitions) Sent in electronically to your teacher. Please save your work frequently and save a copy for yourself.
The Sound of the Shell Chapter One 1. Why couldn’t the boys rely on a rescue party to be searching for them? 2. What happened to all the boys’ relatives? 3. How did the boys end up on the island? 4. What valuable item did Ralph and Piggy get from the fern weeds by the lagoon? 5. What kind of group was Merridew in charge of? 6. Why did Ralph offer Jack charge of the hunters? 7. How did Ralph pacify Piggy’s feelings about having told everyone what his nickname was and not allowing him to go on the expedition? 8. Describe the island and the surrounding waters. 9. Why wasn’t Jack able to stab the trapped pig?
Vocabulary Chapter One Write the definition of each word, follow it by writing the sentence it is used in in the book, and then create a sentence of your own using the same meaning. Pg 12 efflorescence Pg 14 enmity Pg 15 decorous Pg 15 interposed Pg 19 muddled Pg 22 pallidly Pg 23 suffusion Pg 27 immured
Fire on the Mountain Chapter Two 1. How would you describe the personalities of Ralph, Piggy, and Jack? 2. How can their personalities benefit their situation? 3. How can their personalities cause problems given their situation? 4. Why was Ralph so interested in making sure that everyone believed there was no such thing as a beast on the island? 5. What foolish realization came as all the boys finished gathering up the wood for the fire? 6. What was happening between Jack and Piggy? 7. Why couldn’t Piggy get the other boys to respect him when it was obvious that he had intelligence and common sense? 8. Once Piggy got a chance to speak, Ralph ended up throwing blame towards him for not knowing how many boys there were and what everyone’s name was, why? 9. What was causing Piggy to grasp for breath? 10. Why did Ralph feel ashamed when everyone realized that the little boy with the mark on his face was missing?
Vocabulary Chapter Two Write the definition of each word, follow it by writing the sentence it is used in in the book, and then create a sentence of your own using the same meaning. Pg 34 gesticulated Pg 37 conspiratorial Pg 38 errant Pg 38 ebullience Pg 40 officious Pg 42 taut Pg 43 tumult Pg 44 festooned Pg 45 pall
Huts on the Beach Chapter Three What are the “creepers” that the author keeps bringing up? Why were Jack and Ralph so frustrated? What was the emotional benefit of having shelters built? How could Jack and Ralph love and hate each other at the same time? Why did Simon go into the forest and hide?
Vocabulary Chapter Three Write the definition of each word, follow it by writing the sentence it is used in in the book, and then create a sentence of your own using the same meaning. Pg 49 gaudy Pg 49 inscrutable Pg 49 vicissitudes Pg 51 antagonism Pg 53 opaque Pg 55 tacit Pg 57 furtive Pg 57 susurration
Painted Faces Chapter Four & Long Hair How was the old life and conditionings still impacting the boys on the island? Why was Jack “painting” his face? Draw a picture of how Jack’s face looked painted. How did Jack’s behavior change once he saw his reflection in the water? Why? What huge mistake had Jack and his hunters made? Why did Jack lash out at Piggy once it was pointed out that it was Jack’s fault there was not fire? How did Ralph assert his position as chief after Jack gallantly apologized? How was Jack asserting his power in distributing out the cooked pig portions? Why did Simon feel shame about giving Piggy some of the meat? Jack was feeling frustrated even after apologizing and doling out meat portions, why?
Vocabulary Chapter Four Write the definition of each word, follow it by writing the sentence it is used in in the book, and then create a sentence of your own using the same meaning. Pg 58 opalescence Pg 60 belligerence Pg 61 detritus Pg 65 ass-mar Pg 71 malevolently Pg 72 parody
Beast From the Water Chapter 5 1. What was the weariness Ralph was beginning to feel? 2. Ralph began to appreciate certain qualities in Piggy, what were they? 3. What leadership rules was Ralph learning to apply to his assemblies? 4. What important points, necessary for health and safety, did Ralph make at the assembly? 5. Who was still missing among the boys and why didn’t any one make a fuss over it? 6. What was Simon trying to say about the beastie before things got out of control? 7. What logic did Piggy share with Ralph about maintaining his leadership? 8. What else scared Piggy about Ralph losing his role as leader? 9. Once things began falling apart at the assembly, what appreciation did Piggy and Ralph have about grown-ups? 10. Where was the wailing coming from?
Vocabulary Chapter Five Write the definition of each word, follow it by writing the sentence it is used in in the book, and then create a sentence of your own using the same meaning. Pg 76 improvisation Pg 79 ineffectual Pg 83 indignantly Pg 86 derisive Pg 87 effigy Pg 88 sough Pg 89 decorum Pg 89 inarticulate Pg 92 discursive
Beast from the Air Chapter Six Who were the twins talking about when they said, “He was waxy?” What do you think the term waxy means? Once the twins decided they had seen the beast and shared it with Ralph and Piggy, what happened to the fears the boys had kept within? What was occurring among the ranks of the boys while they discussed the beast? What insight did Simon have about the beast? Why were the boys becoming less afraid of the beast as the day went on? What anger returned to Ralph when he saw the boys pushing the rock off the cliff and playing in the forest?
Vocabulary Chapter Six Write the definition of each word, follow it by writing the sentence it is used in in the book, and then create a sentence of your own using the same meaning. Pg 103 incredulity Pg 103 diffidently Pg 106 plinth Pg 106 bastion
Shadows & Chapter Seven Tall Trees What habit had Ralph’s feelings of insecurity brought back? Why did the boys continue to wear clothes that were unnecessary? Why was Ralph uneasy about the game of pretending Roger was the pig? Why did Jack get so angry when Ralph sent Simon to tell Piggy they’d be late? Why did Jack feel antagonism as soon as he stopped leading? What does a dentist’s chair have to do with the reality of their situation? What did Piggy’s voice represent to Ralph when he imagined Piggy calling him a kid for being afraid? “He bound himself together with his will, fused his fear and loathing into a hatred and stood up.” Explain what was happening in this sentence.
Vocabulary Chapter Seven Write the definition of each word, follow it by writing the sentence it is used in in the book, and then create a sentence of your own using the same meaning. Pg. 109 dun Pg. 109 furtively Pg 111 obtuseness Pg 117 infuriatingly Pg. 118 antagonism Pg. 119 daunting Pg 121 impervious
Gift for the Darkness Chapter Eight Jack was changing his status among the boys through what action? In what ways was Jack trying to convince the other boys that Ralph shouldn’t be the chief any longer? What help was Piggy once Jack had withdrawn from the group? What was happening among the older boys while the fire was being made? Why was Piggy so pleased about the split among the boys? Jack was beginning to form his own civilization. How did he purpose to encourage the beast to leave them alone? How did the book come to be named “Lord of the Flies”? What did still having the conch shell represent? How did Ralph make the others not take Jack seriously? What do you think happened to Simon at the end of the chapter?
Vocabulary Chapter Eight Write the definition of each word, follow it by writing the sentence it is used in in the book, and then create a sentence of your own using the same meaning. Pg 124 contemptuously Pg 126 tremulous Pg 128 derisive Pg 136 paunched Pg 137 furtive Pg 137 cynicism Pg 139 vexed
A View to a Death Chapter Nine What do you think Simon found attached to the material that was flapping in the wind? How did Jack distract the boys from the thunder and confusion over leadership? What happened to Simon when he came out of the forest to try and tell the boys about the “beast”? What happened to the “beast” while the boys were attacking what they thought was the beast?
Vocabulary Chapter Nine Write the definition of each word, follow it by writing the sentence it is used in in the book, and then create a sentence of your own using the same meaning. Pg 146 corpulent Pg 146 parody Pg 149 derision Pg 152 sulphurous Pg 153 ungainly Pg 153 phosphorescence
The Shell & Chapter Ten the Glasses Why wouldn’t Piggy admit that the boys had murdered Simon? How did Jack use the beast to empower his control over the boys? How did Jack distort the fact that they had killed Simon instead of the beast? Explain the double function of the fire? Why was Ralph forgetting the importance of keeping a fire going? “If we don’t get home soon we’ll be barmy.” What did Piggy mean by this? When Piggy realized that Jack and the others weren’t the beast, and they didn’t want the conch, he knew they were after what?
Vocabulary Chapter Ten Write the definition of each word, follow it by writing the sentence it is used in in the book, and then create a sentence of your own using the same meaning. Pg 161 theological Pg 161 speculation Pg 165 dignity Pg 166 empathetically
Castle Rock Chapter Eleven What three things did Ralph blame on Jack? What was everyone’s opinion of how Jack was going to act when Piggy demanded his glasses back? What did painting their faces do for the boys Jack’s group? By releasing the rock that killed Piggy, Roger became what to the group?
Vocabulary Chapter Eleven Write the definition of each word, follow it by writing the sentence it is used in in the book, and then create a sentence of your own using the same meaning. Pg 169 luminous Pg 169 myopia Pg 172 liberation Pg 173 multitudinous Pg 173 propitiatingly Pg 176 ludicrous Pg 177 truculently Pg 179 parried
Cry of the Hunters Chapter Twelve Why did Ralph think that Jack would never leave him alone? What had made Ralph an outcast? Who was going to hunt down Ralph and how was he going to do it? Who was to be Ralph’s newest fear? How did the tribe find out where Ralph was hiding? How did the tribe first try and capture Ralph? What three choices did Ralph decide he had for survival? How did the tribe force Ralph out of hiding? Why didn’t Jack come forth as the boss? What did Ralph weep for?
Vocabulary Chapter Twelve Write the definition of each word, follow it by writing the sentence it is used in in the book, and then create a sentence of your own using the same meaning. Pg 187 rouse Pg 187 inimical Pg 187 essayed Pg 188 antiphonal Pg 191 ensconce Pg 191 cordon Pg 191 ululating Pg 194 crepitation Pg 199 decipher Pg 200 epaulettes Pg 201 distended
Choose a project from the Project Table and turn in into your teacher Choose a project from the Project Table and turn in into your teacher. Please remember that you cannot do a project that you have previously done for another book.