T Iteration Demo Tempus PP-Iteration
T Iteration demo 2 Agenda Project status (15 min) achieving the goals of the iteration Timeline mostly met Core use cases defined Documentation available Tools in use (Wiki, Dotproject) Project group formed and responsibilities and main roles defined Project architechture Development environment mostly defined project metrics Timeline Reported working hours Work results (10 min) presenting the iteration’s results Documentation Use cases Research Technologies Used work practices (10 min)
T Iteration demo 3 Introduction to the project What is this project about? The main goal of this project is to develop, test, document and deliver a SIP- based calendar solution for the customer, Nokia Research Center. Developed by extending the open source Mozilla Calendar Project Design is based on IEFT SIP calendaring event draft, which will most likely be revised as the project progresses.
T Iteration demo 4 Status of the iteration’s goals Define the main roles of the project group ok Understand the domain, especially SIP and network calendaring ok Understand the goals of the project ok Define the core requirements on a high level ok Perform as much additional requirements work as possible Not much achieved Plan and set up the process infrastructure such as working and communication methods Mostly ok Set up the technical infrastructure such as servers and software tools ok
T Iteration demo 5 Status of the iteration’s deliverables Project plan OK Requirements document Only contains proposed core requirements Quality handbook Ok for this iteration, still needs work Risk Management Plan Ok for this iteration, ongoing process
T Iteration demo 6 Realization of the tasks Team StatusRealPlanDiff(Left) Project planLauri Pitkänen, Juha Vuojärvi and Janne Koilo OK Requirements specificationAllOK Risk management planLauri Pitkänen, Juha Vuojärvi and Janne Koilo OK Course lecturesAllOK Personal SEPA practicesAllOn-going or not started Progress reportLauri PitkänenOK 23 Reporting and correspondence AllOngoing Meetings and meeting kick off AllOK, not yet held Project infrastructure set- up Sakari LaitinenOK Quality handbookJuha Vuojärvi, Lauri PitkänenOK ResearchJanne Koilo and developersOK Total
T Iteration demo 7 Working hours by person Reporting problems with the Dotproject system may have lost hours. This is being worked on. Person RealPlanDiff Sakari Laitinen Lauri Pitkänen Janne Koilo 50 0 Juha Vuojärvi Annu Myllyniemi Anu Markkola Herman-Filip Björklund Juha Koponen Paula Hellemaa Total Realized hours in this iteration
T Iteration demo 8 Quality assessment Functional areaCoverageQualityComments Project Plan2 Reviewed and accepted Requirements1 Not reviewed properly SEPA1 Not really started Quality Handbook1 Still needs work Legend Coverage: 0 = nothing 1 = we looked at it 2 = we checked all functions 3 = it’s tested Quality: = quality is good = not sure = quality is bad