Test-Taking Strategy Stage 2: Describe.


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Presentation transcript:

Test-Taking Strategy Stage 2: Describe

What is a strategy? A plan or method for solving a problem or completing a task.

Test-Taking Strategy A method to use when you are taking a test in class. This strategy will help you answer questions carefully, avoid careless mistakes, and make the best possible guess if you don’t know an answer. You will be “test-wise”.

Study + Test-Taking Equation This strategy does NOT mean you don’t have to study. This strategy helps you WHILE you are taking the test. This strategy WITH good study habits will help improve your grades.

Study + Test-Taking Equation Study Strategies + Test-Taking Strategy = Good Grades (knowledge) (“test-wisness”) When you use this strategy with good study habits you will get good grades!

Our Expectations As we study this Test-Taking strategy, you will need to LISTEN, ANSWER QUESTIONS, and TAKE NOTES. When you hear more about this strategy, you will see how it can help you.

Rationales for this Strategy–Why? If you can study for a test, avoid all the normal careless mistakes, and make a good guess when you don’t know an answer – what kind of grade could you make? How could this help you in core classes?

Why do you need good grades? You are in control of your grades Show what you’ve learned and know Get into a good college or other program Get a good job

When/Where can I use this strategy? Any time you take a test! Math, English, History, Science, Electives Driver’s license, employment test (to be hired), enrollment test (college, military). Job training test

What results can we expect? Here are some other students’ results: Percentage Correct on Classroom Tests Before Mastery After Mastery 65% 75% What does this show us?

Before Mastery After Mastery 30% 40% Look at this class. . . Percentage Correct on Classroom Tests: Before Mastery After Mastery 30% 40% What letter grades did they earn?

Results: The students here still earned an “F”. This strategy can help you get a better percentage, but if you don’t study, you won’t necessarily get a better grade. You will become a better test-taker! If you combine this test-taking strategy with other strategies from your class, your grades will get better!

Test Taking Strategy Steps Prepare to succeed What does “prepare” mean? What should you do first when you get your test? (Name and PIRATES) Why? You won’t get credit, PIRATES helps you remember this strategy, you earn points in this class.

Allotting time and order sections Has anyone ran out of time on a test before? How could we stop that from happening? PAY ATTENTION TO THE TIME AND LENGTH OF THE TEST WHILE TAKING THE TEST!

Allotting Time How can you decide how much time to spend on each section? Use this formula: # of Minutes (divided by) # of sections= This will tell you how long to spend on each section!

Let’s Practice . . . You have 45 minutes to take a test with 5 sections. How long will you spend on each part? You have 50 minutes to take a test with 5 sections. How long will you spend on each part?

One Section Tests # of minutes (divided by) # of questions= OR Split the test up into even parts and divide

Unbalanced Tests What if one section is longer or worth more points? You will number the order you will complete the sections --- #1 will be the longest or the section worth the most points, etc.

Allotting Order Start with the easiest section – the hardest. This way, you earn the most points. What happens when you start with a hard question?

What if you get behind on time? You will have to speed up your work to make sure that you catch up your minutes and have time to complete all the sections of the test!

How do you earn points in this class? Name and PIRATES on top of test. Number your sections. Allot time for the sections.

Affirmation What is an affirmation? A positive statement! What could you write for an affirmation? Why would you use an affirmation? How do you earn affirmation points?

Start Time For the last part of the “P” in PIRATES, you’ll need to start within 2 minutes of getting your test. Why would this be important?

P – Put your name and PIRATES on the test A – Allot time and order PASS P – Put your name and PIRATES on the test A – Allot time and order S – Say affirmations S – Start within 2 minutes

“I” in PIRATES RUN “Inspect the Instructions” Every test is different. There are lots of ways to show answers. Why must you “R”ead the instructions?

“U”nderline what and where “Circle the letter next to the most appropriate choice.” “Write ‘T’ in front of true statements and ‘F’ in front of false statements.”

“N”ote special requirements Note special requirements like + and – symbols for true and false OR making the statement true. Different teachers have different requirements.

“I” step has 3 parts – “RUN” R – Read instructions carefully U – Underline what and where N – Note special requirements

“R” in PIRATES RRR R – Read R – Remember R – Reduce “R”ead Read the whole question What could happen if you don’t read the whole question? Multiple choice? Matching?

R – Remember what you’ve studied What did I study to help me answer this question? What can you do to help you remember information? Essay questions?

R – Reduce your answers Reduce (eliminate) the wrong answers. This helps you concentrate on right answers. Sometimes, you might accidently select a wrong answer. Multiple choice – X them out

“R” in PIRATES - Review “R”eview your test to make sure that you have completed the first 3 steps of the PIRATES strategy!

“A” in PIRATES “Answer or Abandon” Answer – After you reduce the choices, if you are certain that you know the answer – then go ahead and answer the question (marking your answer according to the instructions).

“A” in PIRATES “Answer or Abandon” What does abandon mean? How will we mark when we abandon a question? How big should the mark be? Where should we put it? What if you can’t write on the test?

How do you recycle steps? If you abandon a question, then you’ll come back and repeat step 3 and 4 on that question later!

“T” in PIRATES Turn back Turn back means that you go back over the test and complete all of the “abandoned” questions. Sometimes, you would have figured out an answer by now! Even if you still don’t know the answer to these abandoned questions, you can estimate!

“E” in PIRATES Estimate What does estimate mean? When should you be estimating? Why should we guess sometimes? We use the “ACE” technique for guessing!

“ACE” Guessing Technique A – Avoid Absolutes C – Choose the most detailed answer E – Eliminate similar choices

“A” Avoid Absolutes What is an absolute word? True and False questions with absolutes – always pick false! Multiple Choice questions – avoid answers with absolute words Examples: Section IV Question 4 Section I Question 1

“C” Choose the most detailed Choose the longest answer that is the most detailed. Examples: Section I Question 4 The “more detailed” answer should be noticeably longer (3 or 4 words) than the other choices.

“E” Eliminate similar choices In multiple choice – if 2 answers are similar, then eliminate those answers! Examples: Section 1 Question 3

ACE Guessing Results Will you always guess the right answer? What’s the best way to make sure you get a good grade on a test?

“S” in PIRATES Survey What does “survey” mean? What should you look for? Should you change any of your answers now?

PIRATES P – Prepare to succeed I – Investigate Instructions R – Read, Remember, Reduce A – Answer or Abandon T – Turn back E – Eliminate similar choices S - Survey

“P” P – Put name and PIRATES on test A – Allot time and order S – Say affirmations S – Start within 2 minutes

“I” R – Read instructions carefully U – Underline what and where words N – Notice special requirements

“E” A – Avoid absolutes C – Choose the longest/most detailed choice E – Eliminate similar choices

New Habits versus Old Habits How does this strategy differ from your old test-taking habits? Speed – Using this strategy will take time in the beginning. It takes practice to be able to use it quickly and correctly.

Goals Let’s set some personal goals for learning AND using this strategy!