FRENCH 8 TH GRADE With Madame Joseph Review Unit 1 – September 2014 La Partie – BLEU!!! ● TPRS nº1 – to help facilitate descriptions.


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Presentation transcript:

FRENCH 8 TH GRADE With Madame Joseph Review Unit 1 – September 2014 La Partie – BLEU!!! ● TPRS nº1 – to help facilitate descriptions

Miss a day? Miss a day of class and chances are likely that you have missed a lot! Go to my wiki: and view the date that you missed (make sure YOU know what date you were absent. You are responsible for all of the vocabulary that you missed.) What is on the wiki? On my wiki you will find: - Class lesson plans – PowerPoint style (according to date) – THESE INCLUDE THE VOCABULARY - Educreations – In depth grammar tutorials from the lesson of the day…just incase you want to have more of an explanation - Videos – there maybe a video that you missed from class too…better check the PowerPoint! - Homework – my wiki lessons are often considered your homework, because they are posted a couple of days prior to the lesson. You MUST be ready to use this vocabulary in class…you never know if you are going to be one of my lucky actors of the day!!! If you do not have access to the Internet at home, please bring me a signed note with an explanation from your parent or guardian (either once if you do not have Internet at all or as necessary, if you temporarily lost service…this happens sometimes.)

TPRS Il y a- There is/There areIl n ’ y a pas de (d ’ ) … - There is/are not… Qu ’ est-ce qu ’ il y a?- What is there?Est-ce qu ’ il y a …..?- Is there…? Qu ’ est-ce qu ’ il est?- What is he/it?Est-ce qu ’ il est …..?- Is he/it…? une fille- a girlun poisson- a fish un chien- a dogun collier- a necklace Il est…- He/It is… Il n ’ est pas … - He/It is not… Comment s ’ appelle-t-il? - What is his name?Est-ce qu ’ il s ’ appelle ….?- Is his name…? Comment tu t ’ appelles? - What is your name?Je m ’ appelle … - My name is…? Comment est-il?- What is he like?Est-ce qu ’ il est …? - Is he/it…? Il n ’ est pas ….- He is not…Il est … - He/It is… Il veut … - He wants…Il a ….- He/It has… Est-ce qu ’ il veut … ?- Does he want…?Qu ’ est-ce qu ’ il veut?- What does he/it want? Est-ce qu ’ il a … ?- Does he have…?Qu ’ est-ce qu ’ il a?- What does he/it have? Copy the English meanings for the vocabulary on your blue sheet. Merci!

FRENCH 8 TH GRADE With Madame Joseph Review Unit 1 – September 2014 La Partie – BLEU!!! DAY 2- L’histoire continue… ● TPRS nº1 – to help facilitate descriptions

Day 2 of BLUE!!! TPRS Il/Elle vaHe goes/she goes à in/at/to Acheterto buydeof/from/about Trouverto findIl/Elle vient de (d ’ )He/She is from ___ Il/Elle a faim.He is/She is hungrychercher to look for Il/Elle a soif.He is/She is thirstyvendreto sell Un tigrea tigerune tarantulea tarantula Un singea monkeyun liona lion Un canard a duckJe m ’ appelle … My name is… Comment est-il? What is he likeEst-ce qu ’ il est …Is he… Il n ’ est pas ….He is not…Il est … He is Il veut … He wantsIl a ….He has Est-ce qu ’ il veut … ? - Does he wantQu ’ est-ce qu ’ il veut?What does he want? Est-ce qu ’ il a … ? Does he have…?Qu ’ est-ce qu ’ il a?What does he have?