Claus Brabrand, ITU, Denmark Feb 26, 2008GROUP FORMATION Group Formation Claus Brabrand [ ] ( “FÅP”: First-year Project Course, ITU, Denmark )
[ 2 ] Claus Brabrand, ITU, Denmark GROUP FORMATIONFeb 26, 2008 Outline for Today Group Formation (09:00 – 12:00): MBTI Results: ”general population vs. FAAP” Peer Assessment Technology Adoption and ”Diffusion Theory” Group Formation ! Group Exercises White-box Testing (13:00 – 16:00): Lecture Exercises
[ 3 ] Claus Brabrand, ITU, Denmark GROUP FORMATIONFeb 26, 2008 Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Introversion vs. Extraversion ("attitudes") I : internal world (concepts/ideas/reflect), energy from timeout, [think;act] E : external world (people/action/things), energy from action, [act;think] [Carl G. Jung, 1920] [ cf. wikipedia for more info ] Sensing vs. iNtuition ("irrational functions", applied to 'data' received) S : "concrete", trust information in present, details / facts, [meaning ~ data] N : "abstract", trust theories, [meaning ~ pattern, theory, or wider context] Feeling vs. Thinking ("decision making functions", for rational choices) F : associated decisions: empathize with situation, [inside perspective] T : dissociated decisions: logical/causes/consistent, [outside perspective] Judging vs. Perceiving ("lifestyle", relates to how to get things done) J : come to decision, clear plan, start in good time, ["inflexible"] P : leave matters open, await or postpone decisions, ["too flexible"]
[ 4 ] Claus Brabrand, ITU, Denmark GROUP FORMATIONFeb 26, 2008 Putting People into 16 Boxes ISTJ ( Inspector ) ISTP ( Crafter ) ESTP ( Promoter ) ESTJ ( Supervisor ) ISFJ ( Protector ) ISFP ( Composer ) ESFP ( Performer ) ESFJ ( Provider ) INFJ ( Counselor ) INFP ( Healer ) ENFP ( Champion ) ENFJ ( Teacher ) INTJ ( Mastermind ) INTP ( Architect ) ENTP ( Inventor ) ENTJ ( Field Marshal ) SN TFT I E P J J
[ 5 ] Claus Brabrand, ITU, Denmark GROUP FORMATIONFeb 26, 2008 Introversion vs. Extroversion FÅP: POP: Introversion Extroversion [cf. wikipedia]
[ 6 ] Claus Brabrand, ITU, Denmark GROUP FORMATIONFeb 26, 2008 Sensing vs. iNtuition Sensing iNtuition FÅP: POP: ! [cf. wikipedia]
[ 7 ] Claus Brabrand, ITU, Denmark GROUP FORMATIONFeb 26, 2008 Feeling vs. Thinking Feeling Thinking FÅP: POP: [cf. wikipedia]
[ 8 ] Claus Brabrand, ITU, Denmark GROUP FORMATIONFeb 26, 2008 Judging vs. Perceiving Judging Perceiving FÅP: POP: [cf. wikipedia]
[ 9 ] Claus Brabrand, ITU, Denmark GROUP FORMATIONFeb 26, 2008 Artisans / Crafters (SP) Sensing Perceivers: Fun-loving, optimistic, focused on present Daring, unconventional, bold, impulsive, and spontaneous. Want recognition and seek attention Entertainers FÅP: POP: ! [cf. wikipedia]
[ 10 ] Claus Brabrand, ITU, Denmark GROUP FORMATIONFeb 26, 2008 Idealists / Catalysts (NF) iNtuitive Feelers: Enthusiastic, trust their intuition, seek their true self, prize meaningful relationships Kindhearted and authentic, dislike conflict Giving, trusting, spiritual Passionately concerned with personal growth & ethics Mentors and advocates FÅP: POP: ! [cf. wikipedia]
[ 11 ] Claus Brabrand, ITU, Denmark GROUP FORMATIONFeb 26, 2008 Guardians / Stabilizers (SJ) Sensing Judgers: Dependable, loyal, helpful, hard-working Follow rules, trust authority, and cooperate with others Prefer structure and order, and focus on credentials and traditions Stabilizing leaders Administrators FÅP: POP: ! [cf. wikipedia]
[ 12 ] Claus Brabrand, ITU, Denmark GROUP FORMATIONFeb 26, 2008 Rationals / Strategists (NT) iNtuitive Thinkers: Inventors, coordinators, and competent planners Trust logic, independent, and strong willed Outspoken, don’t care about political correctness Skeptical of others, confident of themselves Yearn for achievement, want to understand how the world works Strategic leaders FÅP: POP: ! [cf. wikipedia]
[ 13 ] Claus Brabrand, ITU, Denmark GROUP FORMATIONFeb 26, 2008 Group Formation Homogenous: 1 n = 1 :) Heterogenous: Innovation && Structure Plan && Implementation Action && Thought User- && Technical-focus “More inputs" Diversity: “more inputs" …
[ 14 ] Claus Brabrand, ITU, Denmark GROUP FORMATIONFeb 26, 2008 Considerations (Group Formation) Considerations; e.g.: a) Balance Introverts and Extroverts: Too many intros few discussions / limited exchange Too many extros Blah blah blah… b) Avoid ”strategist-strategist” clashes: More likely to ”clash” c) Balance heterogeneously wrt. ”MBTI” and ”VARK” Many different inputs d) Avoid ”old group mates” in same group Learn to work with ”new people” Avoid sub-groups (aka, cliques)
Claus Brabrand, ITU, Denmark Feb 26, 2008GROUP FORMATION Peer Assessment Advice for you(r group)
[ 16 ] Claus Brabrand, ITU, Denmark GROUP FORMATIONFeb 26, 2008 Peer Assessment Questions Answer all eight questions for each person (going around the table): Give opportunity to air problems Give feedback on how others perceive you(r behavior) In meetings, have I: 1. Dominated the meetings 2. Come unprepared 3. Not participated actively
[ 17 ] Claus Brabrand, ITU, Denmark GROUP FORMATIONFeb 26, 2008 Peer Assessment Q. (cont’d) My workload, have I: 4. Carried my load fairly & w/ quality 5. Taken over other members’ tasks without being asked In communicating, have I: 6. Really listened to others 7. Shared info needed by team 8. Responded to s promptly
Claus Brabrand, ITU, Denmark Feb 26, 2008GROUP FORMATION Technology Adoption and Diffusion Theory ”Tech people” vs. General population
[ 19 ] Claus Brabrand, ITU, Denmark GROUP FORMATIONFeb 26, 2008 Diffusion Theory: Technology Adoption Tech Adoption: Diffusion Theory:
[ 20 ] Claus Brabrand, ITU, Denmark GROUP FORMATIONFeb 26, 2008 ”Innovators” (aka. Pioneers) Innovators (Pioneers): Like adventure Seek the new Daring Risk-taker Can cope with failure Spends time alone or other innovators
[ 21 ] Claus Brabrand, ITU, Denmark GROUP FORMATIONFeb 26, 2008 ”Early Adopters” Early Adopters: Part of local social system Opinion is valued Systematic decisions on innovations Reasonable risk tolerance
[ 22 ] Claus Brabrand, ITU, Denmark GROUP FORMATIONFeb 26, 2008 ”Early Majority” Early Majority: Frequently interact with peers Rarely opinion leader, but will follow Need some encouragement (perceived usefulness) Moderate risk tolerance (assumes safer in large numbers)
[ 23 ] Claus Brabrand, ITU, Denmark GROUP FORMATIONFeb 26, 2008 ”Late Majority” Late Majority: Skeptical of anything new Needs peer pressure and economic incentive to adopt (perceived value) Does not like any risk
[ 24 ] Claus Brabrand, ITU, Denmark GROUP FORMATIONFeb 26, 2008 ”Non Adopters” Non Adopters: Will not adopt unless mandated Will give all kinds of excuses to defend staying with old Traditionalist; prefers to interact with other traditionalists
[ 25 ] Claus Brabrand, ITU, Denmark GROUP FORMATIONFeb 26, 2008 Population vs. ”Tech People”
[ 26 ] Claus Brabrand, ITU, Denmark GROUP FORMATIONFeb 26, 2008 Implications (for IT people) Sandra’s conclusions (for IT people): IT cannot: Solve problems for users, if developers cannot see things from other viewpoints (dissociate from own perspective) Expect everyone to be as logical and structured IT teams need: Team training (BPRO :-) More practice on communication (BPRO :-) Extra support, not extra control More clarity on expectations (and fewer assumptions)
Claus Brabrand, ITU, Denmark Feb 26, 2008GROUP FORMATION The Groups are…
[ 28 ] Claus Brabrand, ITU, Denmark GROUP FORMATIONFeb 26, 2008 Tobias White Christian H.MartinaStina
[ 29 ] Claus Brabrand, ITU, Denmark GROUP FORMATIONFeb 26, 2008 SørenJonas Yellow OddfridurVincens
[ 30 ] Claus Brabrand, ITU, Denmark GROUP FORMATIONFeb 26, 2008 Orange Casper F. F.LasseKasper V.Samuel
[ 31 ] Claus Brabrand, ITU, Denmark GROUP FORMATIONFeb 26, 2008 Red Casper V.MarcoMortenNikolas
[ 32 ] Claus Brabrand, ITU, Denmark GROUP FORMATIONFeb 26, 2008 Green BenjaminJeppeSimonThomas
[ 33 ] Claus Brabrand, ITU, Denmark GROUP FORMATIONFeb 26, 2008 Blue JoachimKasper N.MartinNiclas
[ 34 ] Claus Brabrand, ITU, Denmark GROUP FORMATIONFeb 26, 2008 Brown HjalteLiseLoaNick
[ 35 ] Claus Brabrand, ITU, Denmark GROUP FORMATIONFeb 26, 2008 Black AndersChristian P. N.KennethMichaelTim
[ 36 ] Claus Brabrand, ITU, Denmark GROUP FORMATIONFeb 26, 2008 Resources Please Understand Me II: Temperament, Character, Intelligence by D. Keirsey and M. Bates, Traits of Highly Successful Teams with L. Ankarlo, CareerTrack Seminar Products Three ways to motivate your IT team (that really work) by J. West. 01 August, 2007, CIO Magazine The Human Dynamics of IT Teams by J. Tucker, A. Mackness, H. Rutledge. Feb. 2004, CrossTalk, Diffusion of Innovations, E. Rogers Thanks to Sandra Poindexter for inspiration and use of slides!
[ 37 ] Claus Brabrand, ITU, Denmark GROUP FORMATIONFeb 26, 2008 Conflict Behavior Patterns Conflict behavior patterns: