Manju Shrivastava, Astt.Prof.Home Science, Govt.D.B.Grils P.G.Auto. College, Raipur
TIME is ONE TWO part of time THREE types of time FOUR steps of time management FIVE efforts during work SIX tools for time management SEVEN relieves from fatigue EIGHT Hr. to rest NINE tips for time saving TEN mistakes ELEVEN tips for time saving TWELVE time management habits
Time is ONE for all. TWO part of a day:- 12 hr. day time 12 hr. night time THREE type of time:- 1.Psychological time 2.Biological time 3.Clock time
FOUR steps of time management 1.Planning 2.Organising 3.Controlling 4.Evaluation FIVE efforts during work:- 1.Physical effort 2.Mental effort 3.Visual effort 4.Torsaleffort 5.Pedal effort
SIX tools for time management :- 1.Time norm 2.Time cost 3.Time saving 4.Rest period 5.Knowladge about efficiency 6.Peak load
SEVEN relieves from fatigue:- 1.Rest period 2.Correct & proper body posture 3.Roal of motivation 4.Change in work 5.Create interest in work 6.Develop work skill 7.Use of time & labour saving devices EIGHT hours to rest
NINE tips for time saving:- 1.Have a regular place for things 2.Don`t mistake 3.Relearn how to focus 4.Stop procrastination 5.Plan your trips & consolidate your chores 6.Plan your work ahead the plan 7.Find time waster & eliminate them 8.Stop fretting 9.Learn love to routine
TEN mistakes:- 1.Failing keep to do list 2.Not setting personal goals 3.Not prioritizing 4.Fail to manage distraction 5.Procrastination 6.Taking on too much 7.Thrving to busy 8.Multitasking 9.Not taking rest 10.Ineffectively scheduling tasks
ELEVEN tips for time management:- 1.Realize that time management in a myth 2.Find out were you’r wasting time 3.Create time management goal 4.Emplement a time management plan 5.Use of time management tools 6.Prioritize ruthlessly 7.Learn to delegate &/or outsources 8.Get in habit to setting time limits for task 9.Establish routines & stick to them as much as possible 10.Be sure your system is organized 11.Don,t west time waiting
TWELVE time management habits:- 1.Strive to be authentic 2.Favor trusting relationship 3.Maintain a life style that will give you maximum energy 4.Listen to your biorhythm & organize your body 5.Set very few priorities & stick to them 6.Turn down thing that are in consists with your priorities 7.Set a side time for focused efforts 8.Always look for ways of doing things better & faster 9.Stop trouble ahead & solve problems immediately 10.Break your goals into small units of work 11.Build solid process & act on them 12.Finish what`s important & stop doing what`s no longer worthwhile
Ref:-Brinda Singh,Aawas avam griha sajja,griha prabandh Manju patni,Grihaprabandh wikidedia Time management training from mind tools-com.mht forbes.mht