Back Are you a safe pedestrian? There are hazards to navigate around when walking to and from school. Let’s plan a safe journey so we can take a walk on the safe side! Before starting your task, read this information to investigate tips for being a safe Explore current NSW pedestrian statisticspedestrian statistics You will create you own road safety advertising campaign encouraging you r peers to be safe pedestriansroad safety advertising campaign Review road safety campaigns and infographicsroad safety campaigns and infographics MapMap your journey to or from your school. Mobile wrap - Take a walk on the safe side
Back Task 1 1.Review the NSW statistics and find out how many pedestrians were killed or injured. Review the age based pedestrian statistics. What does this mean for young people travelling to and from school? 2.Daily crash statisticsDaily crash statistics 3.Monthly crash statisticsMonthly crash statistics 4.Casualties years 3 year averageCasualties years 3 year average 5.Casualties Pedestrians Male/Female 3 year averageCasualties Pedestrians Male/Female 3 year average Minor car crash Task 1
Task 2 1.Look at the infographic “The danger of being a pedestrian”“The danger of being a pedestrian” Do you think that this is an effective infographic highlighting the dangers of unsafe pedestrian behaviour? Why/why not? Is it effective for influencing your age group? Why/why not? 1a. Look at the infographic “Pedestrian Safety by the numbers”“Pedestrian Safety by the numbers” Do you think that this is an effective infographic highlighting the dangers of unsafe pedestrian behaviour? Why/why not? Is it effective for influencing your age group? Why/why not? 1b. Look at the WHO images. What is the main road safety message that these images are promoting?WHO What do you think are the features of a good advertising campaign? Why are the campaigns you recall engaging? For example, is it the costuming, lighting, script or the images? Caption for graphic or media
Task 3 1. Create a pedestrian safety campaign using one of the following tools. The campaign needs to include the slogan “Take a walk on the safe side”. You can use text, images, audio, Flash etc. Voki Glogster Powtoon Animoto Goanimate Smore Weebly Tellagami or some other web based tool or mobile app of your choice 2. Showcase your campaign to your class peers. Crossing signs
Back Task 4 1.Find a map of your local area using Google maps. Make sure the map includes your house/street and the High School you will be attending next year. 2.Also find the same area using Google Satellite view. 3.Use Google Street view to walk the route to school on your Use Google map tools to highlight your walking route to school using the safest route possible. Include a legend to identify: - safe road crossings - hazard areas - traffic lights -other interesting features e.g. bus stops, rail crossings, -If you are unsure of these look at the route on Google Street view to confirm. Once you have included all information on your map, take a screen capture in map format and satellite format. Save this to this Power point.Power point. 4. Use the worksheet on the Power point to list hazards and safe behaviours required to minimise risks for this journey. 5. Present your map to your peers in your class. My local area
Syllabus links This resource is designed for use with the following syllabus: Insert link to BOS syllabus/es Insert detailed extract/description of which parts of the syllabus are being targeted. Extract from name_of_syllabus syllabus, insert_month_and_year, © Board of Studies, NSW.Board of Studies Syllabus links
Back Task X Insert a detailed description of task. You can insert text, images, audio, Flash etc. but try to prevent scrolling of the pop-up. Task X Use this template when you need longer instructions. Insert a detailed description of task. You can insert text, images, audio, Flash etc. but try to prevent scrolling of the pop-up.