Report on Belgium EU Presidency Conference Who cares? Roadmap for a recommendation to fight child poverty Hugh Frazer National University of Ireland, Maynooth
Key Findings – overall approach endorsed *3 policy areas endorsed as most important *Most recommendations strongly endorsed but * A lot of detail and specificity added
Key Findings – 3 additional recommendations A comprehensive approach to income support An active inclusion approach A children's rights approach regardless of background or legal status
Key Findings - 7 cross-cutting obstacles & solutions Lack of awareness of children as citizens with rights – foster new culture of children's rights Lack of political priority – highlight benefits of investing in children and costs of not doing so Lack of minimum standards – EU & MS agree/monitor minumum standards (income, services, participation) Limited awareness of good practices – more systematic and extensive mutual learning (& training)
Key Findings - 7 cross-cutting obstacles and solutions Lack of funding – convince MS to invest; amend Structural Funds Weak data, monitoring and reporting – Improve data collection, indicators, monitoring, evaluation & reporting Lack of policy coordination and fragmented delivery – MS to develop coordinated and integrated approach involving all stakeholders
1. Access to adequate resources 1.1 Access to adequate resources Need for broader apprroach based on adequacy Elaborate on universal versus targeted Stress importance of non financial measures Limit conditionality Improve policy coordination Emphasise monitoring and evaluation
1. Access to adequate resources 1.2 Reconciliation of work and family life Emphasise the needs of children Enable parents to access employment Stress need for multidimensional approach Promote gender equality
2. Access to services & opportunities 2.1 Early childhood (from 0 - school age) “the” (not “a”) crucial stage Spell out key role of childcare – stimulation; break poverty cycle; integration of minorities Develop minimum stadards for quality criteria Improve coordination, integration and outreach and involvement of stakeholders Encourage family support services & involvement of parents
2. Access to services & opportunities 2.2 Education Move beyond creating access – Requirement to attend and opportunities to learn – Elaborate on ways to overcome barriers Extend beyond school to link to training/business
2. Access to services & opportunities 2.3 Health care Reinforce universal access to health care by tackling inequalities and targetting particular groups Elaborate on specific groups Emphasise training of health providers Elaborate on mental health services
2. Access to services & opportunities 2.4 Housing and environment Specify different needs Emphasise importance of social mix Promote community involvement in decision- making Emphasise the importance of sustainable planning and housing
2. Access to services & opportunities 2.5 Child protection and social services Be more specific about groups needing support Emphasise importance of child protection services & need for quality services Improve governance – Improve coordination and cooperation; more flexible & accountable management; better links with other services (e.g. Income); more emphasis on prevention and early intervention; more links with families
3. Children's participation 3.1 Children's right to be heard Involve children in whole process and make processes accountable Specify the path to implement recommendations Emphasise reaching out to and listenting to the voices of the most marginalised children Develop methodologies & standards: promote awareness & training Foster a cultural shift in attitudes to children Involve parents and families
3. Children's participation 3.2 Participation in social, recreational, cultural, sporting and civic activities Stress importance of proactive approach reaching out to the most disadvantaged Broaden responsibility beyond schools