Child and Adult Care Food Program
Counties The Food Program Serves Johnson County
Child and Adult Care Food Program USDA Program Iowa Department of Education Sponsoring Agency-4Cs
Goals of The CACFP Improve the diets of children by providing nutritious meals Help Children develop good eating habits that will last a life time USDA’s Child and Adult Care Food Program plays a vital role in improving the quality of day care and making it more affordable for many low-income families. Each day, 3.3 million children receive nutritious meals and snacks through CACFP. The program also provides meals and snacks to 120,000 adults who receive care in nonresidential adult day care centers. CACFP reaches even further to provide meals to children residing in emergency shelters, and snacks and suppers to youths participating in eligible afterschool care programs.
CACFP Provider meal reimbursement to child care centers, adult day care centers, emergency shelters and child developmental homes for serving nutritious meals/snacks.
CACFP Provider requirements Registered with DHS Maintain daily menus, meal attendance, and meal participation Attend 2 hours of CACFP approved training each FY Receive 3 in home reviews for CACFP Staff
Creditable meals Breakfast Milk Fruit/Vegetable Bread/Bread alternate
Creditable meals Snack Serve 2 of the 4 Milk Fruit or Vegetable Bread/bread alternate A meat or meat alternate
Creditable meals Lunch or Supper Milk Meat or meat alternate Bread or bread alternate Combination of 2 fruits or vegetables
Reimbursement rates MealTier 1Tier 2 Breakfast$1.28$0.47 Lunch/Supper$2.40$1.45 Snack$0.71$0.19
Monthly Average Reimbursement Tier 1 Rate Breakfast, Lunch, Snack =$4.39 x 8 children x 22 days per month =$773 per month or $9,276 per year Tier 2 Rate Breakfast, Lunch, Snack =$2.11 x 8 children x 22 days per month =$371 per month or $4,452 per year
What meals can be reimbursed? 2 Meals and 1 snack or 2 Snack and 1 meal per day per child Meals must be creditable and meet the serving requirements Children are eligible till the day they reach the age 13.
Program Integrity A minimum of 2 Unannounced reviews Monitor all meal types which includes breakfast through Eve snacks (Providers approved meals) Yearly enrollment forms completed and signed by parents Yearly household contracts through parent audits
Thank You! Contact Information Traci Miller CACFP Coordinator ext 109 Elisha Hamm CACFP ext 104