Driver Inservice Child Safety Restraint Systems on School Buses
Driver Inservice The Laws Washington State safety restraint law exempts school buses Head Start 45 CFR Part 1310, final rule does not exempt school buses
Driver Inservice Guidelines, Recommendations and Specifications Each child in a CSRS meeting FMVSS Each child properly secured Each CSRS maintained as recommended by the manufacturer, including disposal after a crash
Driver Inservice Guidelines, Recommendations and Specifications CSRS secured with FMVSS anchorages Procedures for maintenance, cleaning, and inspection of CSRS Special needs children in CSRS must be addressed on a child-by-child basis.
Driver Inservice Proper Securement The CSRS must be used and secured correctly in the school bus Personnel must be properly trained and updated on a regular basis CSRS anchorages should meet all applicable FMVSS
Driver Inservice Proper Securement The combined width of CSRS/and or other passengers must not exceed the width of the seat If students share a seat with a CSRS, the CSRS is placed at the window seat
Driver Inservice Retrofitting School Buses The manufacturer’s instructions must be followed when installing a seat-belt-ready seat Ensure that seat spacing is sufficient for the CSRS
Driver Inservice Proper use insures safe kids!