Training for Volunteers In Anne Arundel County Public Schools
Thank you ForVolunteering!
“A hundred years from now it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove...but the world may be different because I was important in the life of a child.”
We work together. Safety first. Everyone receives appropriate training.
We all need to know the definitions.
Title IX Employees and volunteers are protected Can be hard to identify
Unwanted behavior Unwelcomed behavior Interferes with students’ rights
Staring at someone’s body Telling off-color jokes Making inappropriate gestures Adolescents often try these behaviors as part of growing up – BUT they are still inappropriate!
Is the behavior unwelcome by anyone involved? Does the behavior make you or any other person feel uncomfortable? Is the behavior interfering with anyone’s ability to participate in the school environment? Would you want this behavior directed toward a member of your family or toward a friend?
You can tell the harasser that the behavior is offensive. You must report the incident(s).
You don’t have to be directly involved. Are there incidents where someone feels uncomfortable because of the actions of others?
Harassment is when one person uses sexual behavior(s) that intimidate or make someone else feel uncomfortable.
It’s serious. You are required to know about it so you can recognize it. You must report it!
Do you see signs of any of these? Bruises Burns Welts Cuts Abrasions Fractures And, are there no reasonable explanations for why the child has these signs?
Harder to identify. Child has trouble functioning in the school environment.
NEGLECT NEGLECT – when proper care and attention are not given to a child.
Doesn’t always include physical injury to the child. Ranges from sexual advances to pornography. In all cases – it involves inappropriate behaviors!
Actual incidents Physical signs Changes in behavior Fear Hyperactivity or Anxiety Changing Self-Image Loss of Self-Esteem Increase In Aggressiveness Not participating Not socializing Changes in relating to authority Inappropriate behaviors Developing obsessive behaviors Evidence of alcohol or drug abuse
What you notice may make all the difference for a child!
Report to a teacher, counselor, school nurse, or administrator. Remember to have all the details. Consider writing down all the details to turn in as well.
May need to complete forms. Can be stressful. Trained school personnel will help you through the process!