Denver Prescreening Developmental Questionnaire II What it is and how to use it
Denver Prescreening Developmental Questionnaire II (Denver PDQ II) Is based on sound research Is quick and easy to administer and score Is a parent completed questionnaire Is used with EHS infants under 4 months of age Is used to find out what (if any) concerns a parent might have about the baby Has questions arranged in chronological order of when a typically developing child can usually perform the tasks referenced Is to be completed in BLUE INK ONLY!!!
Denver PDQ II Is NOT intended to diagnose or determine that there is a problem Is NOT able to be copied- you MUST use an original orange screening
Related Performance Standard § 1304.20 (b) (1): (b) Screening for developmental, sensory, and behavioral concerns. (1) In collaboration with each child's parent, and within 45 calendar days of the child's entry into the program, grantee and delegate agencies must perform or obtain linguistically and age appropriate screening procedures to identify concerns regarding a child's developmental, sensory (visual and auditory), behavioral, motor, language, social, cognitive, perceptual, and emotional skills (see 45 CFR 1308.6(b)(3) for additional information). To the greatest extent possible, these screening procedures must be sensitive to the child's cultural background.
Denver PDQ II Administration Write the child’s name, testing date, and birth date on the form. “Person Completing PDQ II” and “Relation to Child” both refer to the parent/guardian answering the questions. Staff will complete the age calculation in the upper right corner of the screening form.
Denver PDQ II Administration Age calculation: Calculate “Child’s Exact Age” first by subtracting the child’s birth date from “Today’s Date”. If you have to “borrow” days, ADD 30 days to today’s date and SUBTRACT 1 month from today’s month. If you have to “borrow” months, ADD 12 months to today’s month (or what you have left after borrowing days). Then, SUBTRACT 1 year from today’s year.
Denver PDQ II Administration Example of calculating “Child’s Exact Age”: = 21 +12 mo = 45 9 yr 9 mo +30 days Today’s Date: 2010 yr 10 mo 15 day Child’s Birthdate: - 2009 yr 12 mo 30 day Child’s Actual Age: 0 yr 9 mo 15 day In example above, we are setting “today’s date” as Oct. 15, 2010 and using a child with the birthdate Dec. 30, 2009.
Denver PDQ II Administration Calculate the Child’s Exact Age in the following example: Today’s Date: 2010 yr 9 mo 8 day Child’s Birthdate: - 2010 yr 5 mo 16 day Child’s Actual Age= ? ? ? In example above, we are setting “today’s date” as Sept. 8, 2010 and using a child with the birthdate May 16, 2010.
Denver PDQ II Administration Answer: 0 yr, 3 mo, 22 days = 38 8 mo +30 days Today’s Date: 2010 yr 9 mo 8 day Child’s Birthdate: - 2010 yr 5 mo 16 day Child’s Actual Age: 0 yr 3 mo 22 day In example above, we are setting “today’s date” as Sept. 9, 2010 and using a child with the birthdate May 16, 2010.
Denver PDQ II Administration Let’s do another one: Today’s Date: 2010 yr 8 mo 10 day Child’s Birthdate: - 2009 yr 9 mo 13 day Child’s Actual Age In example above, we are setting “today’s date” as Aug. 10, 2010 and using a child with the birthdate Sept. 13, 2009.
Denver PDQ II Administration Answer= 0 yr, 10 mo, and 27 days = 19 +12 mo = 40 9 yr 7 mo +30 days Today’s Date: 2010 yr 8 mo 10 day Child’s Birthdate: - 2009 yr 9 mo 13 day Child’s Actual Age: 0 yr 10 mo 27 day In example above, we are setting “today’s date” as Aug. 10, 2010 and using a child with the birthdate Sept. 13, 2009.
Denver PDQ II Administration After calculating the “Child’s Exact Age”, you will need to calculate the “PDQ II” age. For children under 24 months of age, the PDQ II age is expressed in completed months and weeks, as shown below. Child’s Exact Age: 1 yr 8 mo 20 days +12 7 PDQ II Age: - yr 20 mo 2 completed weeks NOTE: Only completed months and completed weeks are to be counted when calculating the “PDQ II Age.” DO NOT round up to the next higher age to express “PDQ II Age.”
Denver PDQ II Administration Find the child’s PDQ II Age in the following example: Child’s Exact Age: 1 yr 6 mo 26 days PDQ II Age: ? ? ? Remember: Only completed months and completed weeks are to be counted when calculating the “PDQ II Age”
Denver PDQ II Administration Answer= 18 mo and 3 completed weeks Child’s Exact Age: 1 yr 6 mo 26 days +12 7 PDQ II Age: - yr 18 mo 3 completed weeks Remember: Only completed months and completed weeks are to be counted when calculating the “PDQ II Age”
Denver PDQ II Administration Give the prepared form to the child’s parent. Allow parent to answer questions until EITHER: 3 “NOs” have been circled (note that they do not have to be in a row) OR 2) All of the questions on both sides of the form have been answered.
Denver PDQ II Administration Review the “Yes” and “No” responses with the parent to make sure that the parent understood each of the questions answered and marked them correctly.
Denver PDQ II Scoring Identify “delays” A “delay” is any item passed by 90% of children at a younger age than the child being screened. Ages at which 90% of children in the Denver II sample passed the items are listed under “90%” in the “For Office Use” column. These ages are shown in months and weeks. (for example, “20-2” means 20 months, 2 weeks). Mark “delays” by circling the 90% age to the right of the item that the child was not able to perform.
Denver PDQ II Scoring Identify “cautions” A “caution” is any item passed by 75% of children at a younger age than the child being screened. Ages at which 75% of children in the Denver II sample passed the items are listed under “75%” in the “For Office Use” column. Mark “cautions” by circling the 75% age to the right of the item that the child was not able to perform.
Denver PDQ II Scoring Example of “delays” and “cautions”: PDQ II Age: 3 mo 3 completed weeks delay caution
Denver PDQ II Scoring Children who have no “delays” or “cautions” are considered to be developing normally. If a child has one “delay” or two “cautions,” the caregiver should be given some age-appropriate developmental activities to pursue with the child. Children who have two or more “delays” or three or more “cautions” will need to have an ICOPA (Individualized Child Outcome Plan of Action) completed. In the ICOPA meeting, the parent can choose if s/he wants to have the child re-screened in 2 weeks or if s/he wants an immediate referral to ECI.
What do the letters PDQ stand for? Let’s Review What do the letters PDQ stand for?
Prescreening Developmental Questionnaire Let’s Review Prescreening Developmental Questionnaire
With what age group are we going to use the Denver PDQ II? Let’s Review With what age group are we going to use the Denver PDQ II?
Let’s Review Infants under 4 months
Let’s Review At what point should you ask the parent to stop answering PDQ II questions?
Let’s Review When 3 “NOs” have been circled OR Both sides of the form have been completed
Do the “NOs” have to be consecutive (in a row)? Let’s Review Do the “NOs” have to be consecutive (in a row)?
Let’s Review No
Questions? Jennifer Crookham Mental Health & Disability Manager (806) 891- 2156 Dianne Taylor EHS Assistant & HS/EHS Home Base Coordinator (806) 762-8815