Domestic homicide review process (snapshot) Domestic Homicide occurs CSP informed and decides on whether the homicide meets criteria of DHR (Within one month of homicide) Criteria met: CSP commission DHR and Review Panel Conduct DHR: Chair to draft Overview Report, Executive Summary and Action Plan (Within 6 months of CSP decision to hold DHR) Review Panel establishes terms of reference, appoints Chair and commissions agency IMRs and relevant reports QA Group assesses Review as adequate/inadequate according to guidance. Review is published, stored centrally by HO and lessons learned disseminated by QA Group via bulletin and web page. Review agreed by Review Panel and sent to commissioning CSP CSP agree Review and send to Home Office
Learning the Lessons ‘The repetition of past mistakes may amount to institutional incompetence’ (McPherson, 1998) ‘I am convinced the answers lie in doing relatively straightforward things well’ (Laming, 2003)
Some observations - sources Delivered accredited training for DHR chairs to 94 delegates Quality Assure approximately two DHRs a month Chairing DHRs (18) Acting as a sounding board for other Chairs Recent Home Office publication on DHRs
Some observations Lack of understanding how central the family are to the process We need to have a new conversation about information sharing and risk – professional judgement / listening to victims is critical. Engagement with perpetrators outside of the CJS is limited
Issues with thresholds / definitions of vulnerable Lack of professional curiosity Engaging with the unengaged Attribution of bruising to falls / age related conditions Sons with mental health / substance use issues Lack of carer assessments Lack of risk recognition for carers
Understanding abuse as a power issue and not a relationship issue Financial abuse far higher in older age group Disability doubles the risk V little data – BCS cuts off at 59 Risk is often multi-faceted Complex needs – a significant failing Coercive control is a better indicator of risk than physical violence
Finally… Always assume that your report – IMRs and ORs – is being read by those that loved the victim. Would the report seem adequate to you? DHRs are a great opportunity to think differently about domestic violence. They are a new framework which allows us to really test our service provision against the needs of real victims and their real circumstances
Every Body Matters