Beth Sepion 17 th June 2013
Bed making Risk assessment of the clinical environment Feeding: nutrition and fluid assessment and documentation Observations: recording and documentation Measuring, recording and documenting babies height and weight Communicating with children, young people and adults
Moving and handling will encourage the students to reflect on practice regarding the application of these principles. For example picking up toddlers either from the floor, their cot, transferring child from bed to x-ray trolley Positioning of self when carrying out procedures- e.g. administering an injection or inserting nasal gastric tube or securely holding a child for a procedure (child sitting on parent lap) Key aspect is risk assessment regarding child's ability to co-operate Appropriate sling size
In addition for child field –choking And recognition that AED’s are not for use in children
Application of practice to child field issues Developmental assessment- ability to comply Past experiences Requirement for distraction or sedation Decision of place for procedure Child involvement Parental involvement/presence
KEY MESSAGE: AVOID injections if at all possible- Role of nurse as patients advocate Key issues about assessing patient as per previous slide Choice of sites for babies, children and young people Choice of equipment in relation to above Involvement of parent/carer
ROPE: Utilising toddler with asthma to guide assessment
Systematic Assessment: ABC Pain Nutrition/hydration Safeguarding
Communication: face to face Child Teenager Parent Grandparent Via the telephone MDT -SBAR
Deteriorating Child Assessment Documentation-PEWS Medicine management
Neonate oxygen dependant Oncology patient in PICU Muscular dystrophy