AGENCY FEEDBACK 16 agencies responded Responses consolidated into chart form Common responses: Model Preference -- Centre Based [5.5]; Mobile [3.5];Virtual [1.5] Contritubtion : Most common – staff time depending on area/model/arrangement. Additional resource information to website Priority Elements : Service Knowledge/Navigation and Accessible/inclusive Location: Varied. Underserviced areas a common theme
AGENCY FEEDBACK – NEXT STEPS Broaden focus group, bring on school boards, increase discussion to build awareness understanding Do not duplicate website – enhance instead Survey to gather additional information (need area specifics, OTN sites)
RECOMMENDATIONS 1.Work at building the foundation base needed for service integration by increasing common knowledge of all service areas. E.g. Plan a service fair to showcase programs/agencies/services. 2.Research 3 to 4 Centre scenarios looking at needs data, presence of leadership/coordination report, physical location. Present and vote at January meeting. Suggested locations: North Leeds, South Grenville and possibly Brockville 3. Expand membership 4. Monitor progress with centralized intake