Child Sponsorship and Child Rights Workshop October 2012 Brussels
Expectations and Suggestions Find ways to combine child sponsorship and RBA. Practical tools to child participation in a new child sponsorship model. Exchange of thoughts to create more awareness on the relationship between child sponsorship and child rights. Exchange of ideas to create alternative methods for organising child sponsorships. See if we face similar challenges in sponsorship programming and possibly find solutions. Learn from each other about good and innovative sponsorship programming. Agree on some standards for quality sponsorship programming. Continue to learn more on how to work in a child rights perspective. Meet other organisations, learn from each other and get inspired to proceed good work and progress.
Expectations and Suggestions Learn about challenges each of the organisations face in sponsorship programming. Learn in what way organisations have addressed these challenges. Consider a platform for ongoing sharing about sponsorship. Learn about monitoring of child rights in a child sponsorship project. Balanced discussion about one-to-one sponsorship models – how can child rights and child participation take place within this model? Exchange on different sponsorship models. Analysis of benefits and points of attention for different models. Get a better understanding of the role child sponsorship plays in the participating organisations and to what extent child rights are a part of this. Building up the EU-CORD network for child rights work. Input from different organisations towards the theme.