Child Find Webinar Early On® Public Awareness Project Find Michigan May 22 nd, :00 am – 12 noon Victoria Meeder, Christy Callahan, EarlyOn
Agenda Parts C & B Child Find Indicators 5, 6, and 11 –Recent Outreach Developments –Impact/Data Outreach - Referrals –New/Upcoming Outreach Activities Response to Intervention (RTI) Communication Support? Input/Ideas for Child Find Product(s) or Activities
Billboard Campaign – Fall 07 Wayne Oakland Macomb Clinton Eaton Kent St. Clair Livingston Genesee Washtenaw
Transit/Bus Campaign – Fall 07 Wayne, Kent, Genesee
Statewide Radio Campaign – Fall 07 Public Service Announcements were played on 293 commercial radio stations and 28 public radio stations.
Impact Public Awareness Referrals Comparison of Oct 1 – May 20 each year
New Outreach Birth to 1 Metro Parent Magazine Circulation = 30,000 Distribution: Oakland, Macomb, Wayne, Livingston, Washtenaw Demographics 91% Female 51% have children < 7 yrs Bonus: Fall Metro Baby’s Pregnancy Resource Guide -online and print Fall Metro Baby 11/12
New Outreach Birth to 1 Grand Rapids Family Baby Issue Launches first week in June Circulation = 55,200 Distribution: Kent Demographics: 92% Female 50% have children < 5
Response to Intervention (RTI) Requires tiered intervention in general education setting, before referral to special education Implications for child find and identification? New resource
Response to Intervention A resource from the State of Texas Answers questions, including when to evaluate a child if the school is attempting interventions in the general education setting, but parents are insisting on an special ed evaluation
Response to Intervention What support is needed on this topic? Do LEAs have strategies for communicating with teachers and/or parents on RTI? Would this be helpful? If so, what should be included?
Ideas/Input on Child Find What products or activities would strengthen outreach? Birth to age 1 Birth to age 3 Ages 3 to 5 Elementary Older students What’s the priority?
Questions? Thank you for participating today!