Requirements for the Menu Project: 1) Since Señorita Pérez will not be in class, you will be allowed to take your project home. 2) Remember to write the name of your restaurant on the front and you need to draw a picture/logo underneath the name. You may decorate and even do advertisement (in Spanish on the back.) You can use markers, colored pencils, or crayons to add color to your menu. 3) You may fold your many any way you like as long as it looks like a menu. (I recommend folding in the middle or the 3-way-fold that I showed you in class). 4) Putting prices on your menu items will be necessary. You may do it in the following ways: $100, 100 pesetas, 100 pesos, 100, or 100 euros. Drawing pictures on your menu about your items is recommended but its optional. 5) Food and items must all be labeled in Spanish. You may put them in any order you like but please be sure that the menu looks organized! 6) Your speech may be written on regular line paper neatly written or printed out. 7) On the back of your speech, please be sure to write your first name, last name, SAMS Block, and English Teachers last name. (Not doing this runs you the risk of getting a failing grade on your project if I dont know whose it is.) Please make sure that your speech is STAPLED to your menu! Want some extra credit? You will need to create a section in your menus that says Especial del día (Todays Special) or Menú para niños (Childrens Menu).
Front of MenuBack of Menu Name of Restaurant in Spanish goes here. Picture/Logo goes here. Advertisement in Spanish on here is optional.
Example #1 Example #2 Entradas Ensaladas Platos PrincipalesBebidas Postres Here are the menu sections that you are required to have in your menus. Either the ones in Example #1 or in Example #2. (Example: if you use entradas, you can only use the sections in example #1. Same applies to example #2) Desayuno Almuerzo A Almuerzo B CenaPostres Bebidas Breakfast Desserts Main Dishes Salads Appetizers Drinks Lunch Drinks Dinner Lunch Dessert *Note: Please do not include english translation words in your menus.
Speech Format ¡Buenos Días!, ¡Buenas Tardes!, or ¡Buenas Noches! Bienvenidos al restaurante______________. ¿Qué quieren comer?... ¿Qué quieren beber?... Yo quiero comer______________(Name three items in your menu) Yo quiero beber_______________(Name one item on your menu) La cuenta por favor... El total es______________ (Name total price of the four items that you mentioned above) Gracias... De nada... *Note: Please do not include english words in parenthesis in your speech