Gramática 1.2 Present Progressive Direct Objects Direct Object Pronouns el 28/29 de septiembre
The Present Progressive Notes You will copy the following notes on page 43 of your INB. The title for this section will be: The Present Progressive If you run out of room, get a loose leaf-paper and continue your notes there.
Present Progressive What are you doing right now? 43 What are you doing right now? When you are currently doing something, that is called the present progressive. I am writing my notes. I am listening.
Present Progressive estar + -ando/-iendo 43 In Spanish, the present Progressive is formed by using a conjugated form of estar followed by the present participle. The present participles in Spanish are: estar + -ando/-iendo Present Participles -ar -er -ir -ando -iendo
Present Progressive 43 When an -er or -ir verb stem ends in a vowel, the present participle will change from -iendo → -yendo ex: leer → le__ → leyendo -er verb → stem ending in a vowel → add –yendo
Present Progressive 43 Stem-changing -ir verbs like pedir, dormir, and servir still stem change, e → i o → u dormir → durmiendo servir → sirviendo pedir → pidiendo There are NO stem-changes for -ar and –er verbs.
Direct Object Pronouns Notes You will copy the following notes on page 45 of your INB. The title for this section will be: Direct Object Pronouns If you run out of room, get a loose leaf-paper and continue your notes there.
Direct Objects & Direct Object Pronouns 45 Verbs can be followed by direct objects, the person or thing receiving the action of the verb. Rafaela pone la mesa. Rafaela sets the table. Siempre pido la sopa. I always order soup. A direct object can be a noun or a pronoun.
Direct Objects & Direct Object Pronouns 45 I saw that film and enjoyed it immensely. They were not using their mountain bikes, so they sold them I met your sister at the game. I had never met her before. I bought an apple for later, but I ate it immediately. Do you like these flowers? I bought them for my mom. If you are interested in this boardgame, I can lend it to you. Do you know Russell? Let me introduce him to you!
Direct Objects & Direct Object Pronouns 45 Use direct object pronouns to avoid repeating nouns that have already been mentioned. These pronouns must agree with the nouns they stand for. ¿Quién va a pedir el flan? -Yo lo voy a pedir. Who is going to order flan? -I am going to order it. Masculine Feminine Singular lo him/it la her/it Plural los them las them
Direct Objects & Direct Object Pronouns 45 Direct object pronouns go before the conjugated verb. ¿Quién prepara los sándwiches? Yo los preparo. If there is an infinitive in the sentence, the pronouns go before the conjugated verb OR are attached to the end of the infinitive. ¿Quién va a preparar la cena? Mi padre la va a preparar. Mi padre va a prepararla.
¿Desayunas huevos por la mañana? ¿Pides tocino con los huevos? 44 Identify the Direct Object in the first sentence, and then replace it with the Direct Object Pronoun in the second sentence. Complete the following activity on page 44 of your Notebooks. ¿Desayunas huevos por la mañana? Sí, __________ desayuno todos los días. ¿Pides tocino con los huevos? No, nunca __________ pido. ¿Tomas leche en el desayuno? No, nunca __________ tomo. ¿Comes naranjas por la mañana? Sí, siempre _________ como. Replace with activity that uses vocab 2.1, Spanish 2
¿Desayunas huevos por la mañana? ¿Pides tocino con los huevos? 44 Identify the Direct Object in the first sentence, and then replace it with the Direct Object Pronoun in the second sentence. Complete the following activity on page 44 of your Notebooks. ¿Desayunas huevos por la mañana? Sí, los desayuno todos los días. ¿Pides tocino con los huevos? No, nunca lo pido. ¿Tomas leche en el desayuno? No, nunca la tomo. ¿Comes naranjas por la mañana? Sí, siempre las como. Replace with activity that uses vocab 2.1, Spanish 2