t2 group Introduction to the Welsh Language Unit 2 Pronunciation How are you Numbers Days of the week Next
Pronunciation In Unit 1 we learned the Welsh alphabet. In this unit, we’ll look more closely at the Welsh vowels and also at emphasis. Remember that w and y are vowels in Welsh. aeiouwy Back Next
Pronunciation - Vowels Vowels in Welsh can be short or long. Listen to these examples, noting the differences in the vowel sounds, and practise them yourself. mân gwên man Gwen tôn cân ton carn Back Next
Pronunciation – Vowel combinations ae / ai / auas in eye awas in away ey / ei / euas in say ewboth e and w are pronounced uw / iw / ywas in ewe oe / oi / ouas in toy owas in row wyas in gooey Back Next
Pronunciation - Emphasis In Unit 1, we learned how to pronounce the Welsh alphabet. It’s also important to know where to put the emphasis when pronouncing words. Here are some tips for you… Put the emphasis on the last but one syllable, for example Bore, Pedwar. Saying that, the emphasis always falls on a vowel combination, for example Cymraeg (Welsh), and on the last syllable of words ending in au, such as Mwynhau (to enjoy). Back Next
Pronunciation - Practise The following words are all Welsh words. Practice your pronunciation with these words. ArthurBarn BoreCell DrawFaint HaulMud PumpUnion Back Next
How are you? Here are the words/phrases that we will be learning today. Listen to the sound files by clicking on the speaker to hear the correct pronunciation. Next Back Sut wyt ti?How are you? Sut dych chi?How are you? Ardderchog.Excellent. Da iawn.Very good. Iawn.OK. Ofnadwy.Terrible. Wedi blino.Tired. Diolch.Thank you.
Sut wyt ti? or Sut dych chi? Sut wyt ti?How are you? (informal) Sut dych chi?How are you? (formal) In Welsh we have 2 ways of saying you. Ti and Chi. Ti: Use ’ti’ in an informal situation, for example; with a child, someone you know or someone of your age range. Chi: Use ‘chi’ in a more formal situation, for example; with someone older than you, someone who is respected in the community, or when addressing more than one person. ’Ti’ is always singular and ’chi’ would always be used if you were talking to more than one person. Next Back
How are you? Sut dych chi? Practise answering this question by saying you are... Next Back Sut dych chi? Excellent. Very good, thank you. OK. Terrible. Tired.
How are you? Read the dialogue out loud to practise your pronunciation. Why not read through it with a friend too? You can also click on the speaker next to each line to hear the correct pronunciation. Next Back Deialog Partner A:Prynhawn da. Eleri dw i. Pwy dych chi? Partner B:Prynhawn da Eleri. Siôn dw i. Partner A:Sut wyt ti Siôn? Partner B:Da iawn, diolch. Sut wyt ti? Partner A:Iawn, diolch. Partner B:Da bo Eleri. Partner A:Hwyl Siôn.
How are you? Read the dialogue again, but this time change the words in bold. Next Back Deialog Partner A:Prynhawn da. Eleri dw i. Pwy dych chi? Partner B:Prynhawn da Eleri. Siôn dw i. Partner A:Sut wyt ti Siôn? Partner B:Da iawn, diolch. Sut wyt ti? Partner A:Iawn, diolch. Partner B:Da bo Eleri. Partner A:Hwyl Siôn.
How are you? Test yourself... Translate these words/phrases. Check your answers on slide 7 or refer back if you are unsure.slide 7 Next Back How are you? (informal) How are you? (formal) Excellent. Very good. OK. Terrible. Tired. Thank you.
Practise / Ymarfer Practise answering the two questions we have learned so far, using the following pictures to answer… Next Back
Practise / Ymarfer Pwy dych chi? Angharad ____ ___ Sut dych chi? Next Back
Practise / Ymarfer Pwy dych chi? Brychan____ ___ Sut dych chi? Next Back
Practise / Ymarfer Pwy dych chi? Hywel ____ ___ Sut dych chi? Next Back
Numbers (Rhifau) * dau, tri and pedwar also have feminine forms. You will come across these in due course. 0 dim 1 un 2 dau* 3 tri* 4 pedwar* 5 pump 6 chwech 7 saith 8 wyth 9 naw 10 deg Back Next
Days of the week WythnosWeek Dydd LlunMonday Dydd MawrthTuesday Dydd MercherWednesday Dydd IauThursday Dydd GwenerFriday Dydd SadwrnSaturday Dydd SulSunday Back Next
Test yourself… Fill in the gaps to practise these words/phrases from Units 1 and 2. _______________ ddaGood evening Hwyl___________________ Emma _____ ____I’m Emma _______ dych chi?Who are you? _______ dych chi?How are you? (formal) _______ wyt _____?How are you (informal) _________________Excellent Da ______, diolchVery good, __________ Pedwar_________ Dydd _________Saturday Back Next
Da iawn! Uned 3 will be available in 2 weeks. Keep practising until then… Back