Mayor’s Office for People with Disabilities Renee M. Smith-Quinn
About MOPD Promotes total access Full participation Equal opportunity Systemic change Education & Training Advocacy & Direct Services for people with disabilities Mayor Richard M. Daley MOPD Commissioner Karen Tamley Source:
Services & Programs (Just to name a few) Information & Referral Case Management Services Employment Counseling & Training Consultation & Technical Assistance to Employers Disability Awareness Architectural Services Workshops & Seminars Youth Programs Source:
HIRING YOUTH WITH DISABILITES Career Exploration… Career Development… Paid Internships Young people years of age Disability Mentoring Day National Job Shadow Week Mayor Daley’s Summer Jobs Program for Youth with Disabilities Annual Employment for Youth in Transition Created database for employers and student hires Offered assistance to employers with progression of youth in job placement Source:
TECHWORKS Funded by Department of Commerce & Economic Opportunity Increase technology-based employment opportunities City Colleges of Chicago & CPS students with disabilities –Summer Internship positions to begin in 2009 in technology field –In preparation for future workforce in technology based fields Created databases of colleges that offered training in technology courses for youth with disabilities Created databases of colleges that offered training in technology courses for youth with disabilities Contacted colleges with technology programs that serviced students with disabilities Contacted colleges with technology programs that serviced students with disabilities
DISABILITY AWARENESS Disability Etiquette Publications Community Outreach Leisure Skills Program Disability Pride Parade
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Phone Selection Center –People who are Hard of Hearing –With doctor referrals –Selection of 4 amplified phones with various features Introduced clients to phone selections Introduced clients to phone selections Completed necessary documentation Completed necessary documentation Conducted test of TTY phones with the Chicago Police Department and 911 call center Conducted test of TTY phones with the Chicago Police Department and 911 call center
ACCESSIBILE EVENTS Open to all ages and all disabilities Priority seating during concerts and performances Created scripts for directions in securing wristbands Created scripts for directions in securing wristbands Customer service representative Customer service representative Escorted participants to priority seats Escorted participants to priority seats Initiated staff meetings Initiated staff meetings Taste of Chicago, Air & Water Show, Blues Festival, Gospel Festival, Jazz Festival, Viva Chicago, Celtic Festival
Free one-day expo at Navy Pier Open to all ages and all disabilities Informs on disability-related products and services Provides opportunities to participate in sport and recreational activities Assisted with registration Assisted with registration Escorted participants to the appropriate areas Escorted participants to the appropriate areas Crowd control Crowd control Traffic control Traffic control
2016 Grant 2016 Olympic Games Grant Benefit people with disabilities owned businesses/state certified businesses Develop workforce development inventories –Employment Placement Agencies –Education and Advocacy Agencies Conducted Workforce Development Surveys (telephone) Conducted Workforce Development Surveys (telephone)
THE IMPACT… Participants gain: Social interactions with other people with disabilities Tolerance in face of adversity Informed of availability of products and services Learned to become better advocates My gain: Awareness of MOPD Awareness of MOPD Awareness of technology available for people with disabilities Awareness of technology available for people with disabilities Importance of advocacy in various areas Importance of advocacy in various areas New friendships New friendships To make lemonade To make lemonade
MOPD Members Karen Tamley, Commissioner CITY HALL 121 N. LASALLE STREET ROOM (VOICE) (TTY) Joseph Albritton Deputy Commissioner Carolyn Jones Assistant Commissioner Joe Russo Deputy Commissioner Kate Kubey Jerod Lockhart MOPD FIELD OFFICE 2102 W. OGDEN AVENUE (VOICE) (TTY) Sharon Corrigan Deputy Commissioner Deidre James Program Director Lavonzell Paige Prog. Coord., Disability Ser. Kimberly Taylor Administrative Manager