Innovations in Healthcare Shyam Bedbak21 st Feb 2009
Initiatives by Microsoft and Google An effort to integrate IT and Healthcare Will integrate and use the following resources: –Internet search tools –Records of health of patients –Resources available online Based on the concept of ‘Mass consumerization of health information’ People are increasingly using internet for information on health and looking for advice Current situation: –Electronic records form only 20% of the total records –Usually controlled by doctors, hospitals or insurance cos –58% people actually look up for medical advice/information before coming to the doctor In future: –Consumers will control more of information –Will have customized ‘health profile’ and ‘health guide’ Problems: –Privacy issues of the health records –Getting the required storage, search customization and networking to generate results Companies like WebMD are already working on this
R&D: Mixing drugs to get new ones Mix two old generic drug to make a new medicine Though crude and trial-and-error type, the process is very cheap Presently, companies are struggling to develop new drugs and fill the pipeline Orexigen Therapeutics of San Diego, recently went public based on the prospects for two combination drugs it is developing to treat obesity IT can play a key role in this –Robotic drug screening technology –Creating thousands of pairs everyday Alexis Borisy has had substantial success in the field –8 drugs have proceeded for clinical trials in last 7 years Biochemical pathways in treating a disease are multiple
Combining IT, Healthcare and Gaming Product – DiaBetNet For taking timely measurements of sugar levels in blood –Children were given bonus points in the game for checking their blood levels –Otherwise, its difficult to make young patients prick for testing sugar levels 4 times a day Much better monitoring observed in the set of children with this device as compared to others without the device Source:
Smart Tablet PCs Book-size device Has a built-in bar scanner –Can identify patients using this –Can track the progress of medications Can store, access and update the records wirelessly –Hence, can operate from anywhere in the hospital Advantages –Helps cut down on the paper work –Reduces medical errors –Improves efficiency Source:
Anaemedia Problem –20% of maternal deaths in India caused by anaemia –Anaemia leads to weakness, fatigue and reduced physical ability –Tests require blood samples in path labs –Inaccessible and costly for the most affected –rural people Solution: Anaemedia –Prickless anaemia scanner –Rugged and dust resistant –Can be used by low-skilled village health worker Compares values from the chart and recommends dosage
Telemedicine in India What is telemedicine? –A small health care centre with PC with customized medical software A few medical diagnostic devices e.g. ECG, X-ray etc –Medical reports of diagnostics sent to the super- specialty hospital –Reports are analyzed and treatments recommended through video conferencing Source: Bagchi S (2006) Telemedicine in Rural India. PLoS Med 3(3): e82
Recent Trends: Telemedicine as a solution Connects doctors/hospitals with rural areas Telemedicine network established by ISRO –Connects 22 super-specialty hospitals with 78 rural and remote hospitals –Covers remote areas like Andamans, J&K, Lakshadweep etc –Focuses on Community health and opthalmology Source: Bagchi S (2006) Telemedicine in Rural India. PLoS Med 3(3): e82
ISRO telemedicine project Hospitals have to be government-run Provides telemedicine equipments and required bandwidth on INSAT satellites Bandwidth also provided to the private super- specialty hospitals if –Provide specialty consultation –Charge government rates May open up this space for private player charging a fees for the bandwidth and other services –Will help to enhance reach Source: Bagchi S (2006) Telemedicine in Rural India. PLoS Med 3(3): e82