Profiling the Housing Stock for Older People The Transition from Domesticity to Caring
The Research Team Principal Investigator Dr. Julienne Hanson, The Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London, Co-investigators: Professor Mike Rowlands, Department of Anthropology, University College London, Leonie Kellaher, CESSA, University of North London Research Assistant: Reem Zako The Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London, Anthropologists on the project : Caroline Holland John-Sebastien Marcoux John Percival Building Survey Researchers on the project : Colin Boult Barbara Lucas
Research Aims The main aims of this research are: To gather detailed information about the housing circumstances of older people across England for managers and architects to use in planning housing for the future; To understand, through discussion with older people themselves, the ways in which housing design and layout can help or hinder arrangements for care and support, whenever this may become necessary; To produce, and make widely available, a report and guidelines for all concerned - architects, planners, managers, older people, their relatives and carers which reveals what older people prefer and need in their housing; Most importantly, this research intends to be responsive to the voices of the informants as they describe their ideas and aspirations about the kind of housing and support they want as they grow older.
Sampling Sampling has be taken within a transect through the South-East of England from East Anglia through Central London to Dorset and through the North-West of England from the Fylde coast through Merseyside & Greater Manchester to rural Cheshire. Based on primary research in 6 localities in 2 regions of the country.
A Case Study in Bracknell Mrs B. Brief family profile and housing history. 79 year old widow, living alone in 4 bed house, her home for 43 years... Health. Has arthritis, a prolapse, shoulder replacement and mobility problems. Community Connections. Cannot afford to attend day centre more than once a week.. Family Connections with Home. Visited every 4-6 weeks; children's games still in their old bedrooms... Friends Connection with Home. Friends have died or moved on... Support Services Connection with Home Home Help cleans and shops once a week... Plans and Perspectives on Moving Home. Needs to move but identity suffers with loss of "family home"...
Sits by the "glory-hole"; eats in dining room so won't get "slapdash".. Having necessary things near at hand makes place look "cluttered".... Uses of Space within the Home Perceptions of Space within the Home. "I've got the house but that doesn't buy a bath-seat". Bathes at night as physically easier to get dry in bed... Aids and Equipment. & Daily Routine. "Trappings" are valued but can be traded for companionship... Relationship With Objects Spare room for ironing board; stair-lift used for transporting laundry... Changes of Use of Space and Allied Activities within the Home.