Background A Department of Health Pilot (one of 6 country wide) Set up in 2012 with support from Shropshire Council to develop an independent social work practice as an alternative to traditional models Community Interest Company (CIC) – Volunteers & Staff on represented on the Board Staff seconded from council – 2 Qualifed Social Workers and 4 unqualified workers. Followed on from introduction of personalisation in
Who we work with: P2P completes initial assessments and arrange support (paid or unpaid) to maximise independence at home Focus on individuals strengths P2P works with older people and adults with physical and learning
The Structure Advisory Group Peer Support Service Practice Staff Task Groups/ Projects Volunteers Carers Sessions People in the Local Community Board of Directors Monthly Board Meetings
Different Conversations = Better Outcomes for all Previously in Local Authority – Very procedure led, tick box mentality, one solution fits all People 2 People – Focusing on strengths, independence, challenging previous ways of working Positive development of skills, knowledge and autonomy for P2P
How we work differently Open door policy Test new and innovative ways to deliver Social Work Based in the heart of the community Reduce dependence upon statutory adult social care Encourage the use of local voluntary and community resources and assistive technology Use of volunteers ‘experts by expertise’ for peer support Challenge bureaucracy
@P2Psocialwork Assistive Technology MultidisciplinaryPeer Support Regaining connections with the community Engagement breeds development Greater independence Confidence building Working with other professionals for better outcomes First hand experience Networking Informal Community Resources Jane was an elderly person isolated in her own home. She had suffered regular falls and had lost confidence in her mobility. She hadn’t accessed her shower due to fears of falling and her personal care was deteriorating as a result. By having a “different conversation” a solution was found where Jane began showering when her cleaner was in the home for reassurance. A Telecare system supported in emergencies. Jane was given physiotherapy to encourage mobility. Attendance at a local community centre promoted independence, encouraged Jane to increase mobility and reintegrate with the community.
@P2Psocialwork Measuring Our Success Written and verbal feedback – Very positive Positive media interest Finalists in Adult Social Work Team of Year awards 2013 Reduced expenditure on behalf of Council Reduction in subsequent re-referrals High performing well motivated team
Working at People 2 People Views of Newly Qualified Social Workers: Feel empowered as a worker Enjoy greater autonomy Opportunities to be creative give better outcomes Excellent support and supervision Feel valued Part of a well motivated team with a ‘can-do’
Comments from staff “This is not just a job….” “I am learning so much from the peer supporters who have lived experience” “I feel we give people a voice…” “We believe in what we do and work together to get there” “We want this to continue and
Social Enterprise – Issues & Future Central & Local Government – The Care Bill (more preventative approach) Delivery / Credibility / Evaluation Sustainability / Growth / Diversification Structure and business
The Future People 2 People expanded and Shropshire Council’s intention to expand further – Pilot is contracted until April 2015 Thank
Useful Information Contact People 2 People: Telephone Links to media articles: work-practice/ work-practice/ people-control/#.UssUYfZsiOV people-control/#.UssUYfZsiOV structures-or-service-users-a-model-for-personalised-social-work/ structures-or-service-users-a-model-for-personalised-social-work/