People In Advocacy Prepared by: Dilnaz Panjwani, MD Synergy Medical
The Lingo EMRA Emergency Medicine Residents Association ACEP American College of Emergency Physicians NEMPAC National Emergency Medicine Political Action Committee
Who is EMRA Founded in 1974 Largest and oldest independent resident organization Own operating budget and leadership Works with ACEP via a Shared Service Agreement
EMRA Mission Mission promote excellence in patient care through the education and development of emergency medicine residency trained physicians
Getting involved with EMRA Check out Join an EMRA committee Serve as your program’s EMRA representative Write an article for EM Resident magazine Run for an elected office on the EMRA Board of Directors or Representative Council Apply for an EMRA award or scholarship Attend an EMRA event!
Leadership & Advocacy Conference Started by ACEP with the aim of training leaders in the practice of emergency medicine. EMRA developed the Resident Track –Now expanded to include Young Physician Section –Free for EMRA members EMRA’s Chair’s Challenge asking programs to sponsor at least one member annually
ACEP – 911 Network The Network’s Mission: “To encourage our members to cultivate long-term relationships with federal legislators, convey ACEP's legislative and regulatory priorities-in an effective manner, and affect the final outcome of federal legislation important to the specialty of emergency medicine.”
ACEP ACEP and EMRA members Offers several avenues for advocacy participation –Weekly Updates –Action Alerts –Call Alerts –Advocacy Training
NEMPAC A voluntary, nonprofit association NEMPAC is empowered to attain contributions from ACEP members, and make expenditures in connection with the election of candidates for federal office.
Why does NEMPAC exist? Success as advocates hinges on the ability to work with federal lawmakers who share a common vision to improve emergency medicine. Supports candidates that support the legislative priorities of EM physicians. Facilitates the emergency physician’s place at the table.
Web Advocacy Resources Check your State medical associations and professional societies.