Enhancing the lives of people with dementia The dementia group are here today to give you an update on the work so far
Dementia Focus Group Talk through the slide and explain who we are and who we have involved
Purpose of the group To ensure the homes we provide for people with dementia are designed, decorated and furnished to a standard that enhances the wellbeing of people we support. To provide the right environment rather than bewildering or hostile settings to help people remain as independent as they can be. To meet objective 11 (Living well in Care Homes) of the Dementia Strategy Talk through the slide and explain purpose of the group
Dementia Standards Bedroom Living Room Dining Room Entrance / Corridors Bathrooms / Toilets / Ensuite Gardens / Outdoor space Explain that we looked at each area of a home
Dementia Standards Walls Floors Furniture Furnishings Lighting Signage Assistive Technology Explain that within each room we looked at Walls, floors furniture, lighting, signage and assistive technology
The aging eye A Typical 60 year old receives about 1/3 of the retinal luminance of a 20 year old. Reduction of contrast of images and vividness of colour. Reduced ability to discriminate certain colours. Increased time to adapt to different light levels As well as people having to deal with dementia the average person has to deal with the aging process of the eye
Age related eye diseases Show slide as well as the aging eye we have to deal with diseases of the eye
A typical bedroom before the changes, rugs that can cause slips, very little contrast between sink, and surround, curtains, wall mirror above sink if the person does not recognise self.
Good contrast used on curtains, walls floors etc, sink and surround doors that can cover mirror if person does not recognise self, people can see what is in wardrobe and drawers
Same living room before and after, left shows patterned wallpaper, very little contrast, right picture shows more homely surroundings with fireplace, good contrast on walls, curtains and furnishings.
Flooring Uneven floor surfaces can contribute to slips trips and falls, people see this type of flooring as steps.
Same corridor before and after, left shows dark flooring dark contrasts which create shadows. Right shows extra lighting levels above bedroom doors and good bright contrast used. Early indications have shown 98% reduction in falls.
This was an example of trying to personalise doors with photos of people who may not recognise themselves.
Personalised Doors This picture is the same doors as the previous slide.Talk about bedroom doors being personalised and identifiable
Same toilet before and after discuss the contrast
Same bathroom before and after discuss contrast
Food generally served in care homes are on white plates and food tends to be bland in colour. Discuss how people can see the food on coloured plates. If people can see the food on their plate it can lead to less support needed from staff at mealtimes.
Signage People are able to find and use toilet unaided. People are able to find their bedrooms. People can find their way around. Talk through slide and explain need for clear signage on toilet doors
Reminiscence Same cupboard before and after left shows a confusion of boxes containing inappropriate activities, right cupboard shows the same cupboard transformed into a reminiscence area. This include memories from the area of the care home.
What does it all mean Fewer slips, trips and falls. Less weight loss / improved appetite More independence at mealtimes Reduction in physical aggression. Reduction in anti psychotic medication. More quality time with people.
Outdoor Spaces Gardening is good for you Natural light and sunlight improves sleep, mood and behaviour and stocks up on vitamin D Resting in a garden helps to explore memories. Gardening is an excellent mental workout and provides creativity, independence and social interaction.
Before and after, left shows narrow path with no plants or areas of interest therefore never used. Tight shows widened path with gazebo added, raise flowerbeds for people to garden without kneeling down
Patio Same patio before and after, left shows dark slippy patio due to height of tree and leaves falling on patio. Right shows tree removed and patio re-laid with paving slabs. Fencing has sensory plants planted against fence
Evaluation of work Each home to: Monitor falls before and after any redecoration Monitor food intake before and after changes to crockery Monitor behaviours before and after signage introduced and redecoration Explain the slide